Third Movement


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Luo Yuanxiao used to be a traverser.

Because of a plane crash, he transmigrated into a rich young master with the same name. Then he met the 20 years younger male god.

He took great pains to raise the male god to the age of 18. Before he could see him prosper, Luo Yuanxiao transmigrated back.

The male god is a once in a century piano genius. Mixed race, tall and beautiful and born in a rich family. He can be called a real life prince.

There are unreliable rumors circulated that… The male god grew up in China and was miserable when he was young. He was not taken home by his super rich father until he became an adult.

After transmigrating back, Luo Yuanxiao said: The rumor is true.

Sitting in the auditorium of Carnegie Hall, looking at the distant and mature male god, he couldn’t help crying as an “old father”.

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September 2, 2022
Status: Completed
I'm sobbing from the ending TT_TT - super bittersweet for me. Super sweet and heartwarming but heartwrenching at the same time (Also when I wrote this review the novel was marked shounen ai but there's definitely (vague) sexy time in the novel soooo more yaoi for those concerned). FIVE STARS will come back to this novel next time I want to SOB but still be mostly happy afterwards. READ THIS NOVEL DON"T BE SCARED BY MY SOBBING THE AUTHOR TIES EVERYTHING IN SO WELL

As the tags mention, the author writes... more>> the ML as having dual personalities, the main one (Bai WenLin) and the sub-personality, Albert. The ML's personalities do NOT get along (no communication/memories between the two, Al only emerges sometimes when BWL is sleeping but BWL is obsessive and rigged his home with cams so he watches them when he realizes he's missing memory), they have conflict over who MC is with (MC views AL as a younger sibling and has a familial relationship, not in love with both) and this is present until the end.

I didn't expect to end up crying but I did, totally sobbing and destroyed. While I do find BWL a bit pushy for my tastes with trying to get MC to be in a relationship with him, it doesn't seem out of place in the story and it's within my personal tolerance. I like how ML guides MC to find his musical inspiration back after he loses his hearing in one ear, and I also appreciate how the author didn't make that something that needed to be 'fixed' in order for the MC to be amazing - he's talented, deaf ear and all.



there is attempted su*cide towards the end of the novel, in the chapter titled Piano Concerto No.27 in B Flat Major.


For direct context of above situation:


Al finds out that BWL and MC are together and as a result of finding that out + BWL's prior attempts/feelings of destroying Al/the sub-personality + Al's own lovefeelings of possession towards MC drives Al to shoot himself so that neither of them get MC. He misses his heart, but this was directly witnessed by MC and leads to him being in a coma for a year (+ separated from MC during that time)


Why I find the ending bittersweet/ended up sobbing, for those worried (contains direct spoilers about the ending of the novel)


After BWL woke up from the coma Al never 'woke up' again but instead showed signs of wanting to merge with the main personality/BWL subconsciously doing little Al things... but BWL was too hostile to him so this never happened. In the end it has Al's eyes showing up for one final second during below-the-neck time (when before, due to MC's view of him as having the mentality of a child Al never openly expressed desire/adult love for MC) before he has one last 'appearance' in the morning while MC is still mostly asleep, whispering to him "I've been waiting for you all my life" (w/ many impacts from throughout the story and MC + Al's relationship!!!!) and finally leaving MC a rosebud and a note below the vase with a poem roughly translated as "If I will see you, it will be years later. How can I congratulate you with tears and silence." That's it. That's the last sentence (the poem ties into a christmas gift MC gave BWL that Al's first awakening ended up getting). I'M SOBBING IF YOU GO THROUGH THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE THREE OF THEM OMG THE FEELS THE EMOTIONS CRYING TEARS JUST WRITING THIS

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