There Is No Need To Be Obsessed


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She was killed again.

Then she opened her eyes as a fallen noble, Eureia Craycia.

Normally, one would be confused in a moment like this, but…she was familiar with this situation, with this world.

Because she had once lived here and been mu*dered by unidentified wizards.

“I don’t want to die again!”

Eureia, who knew this world and was a hard-working adaptable person, wanted to regain her top position at the Merchant Guild, which was once hers, and get rid of her debts.

Seven years ago, she, the head of the Cheshire business suddenly disappeared, and her men now once again gathered at Eureia’s side.

“You look a lot like someone I know.”

“You seemed to be able to see through me just like her.”

“I feel uneasy. I’m afraid the master will like him more than me.”

Eureia, surrounded by obsessive men, approached the shocking truth that killed her seven years ago.

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Please Don’t Be Obsessed With Me Anymore
집착은 사양합니다
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1 Review

Aug 31, 2023
Status: c46
Overall this is a really fun story, with a well written novel and a good translation. The MC is likable and clever. She’s been to the world she reincarnated into before and it’s fun to see her reclaiming her business and meeting her old friends. The romance seems like it’ll be a slow burn but she’s by far likable enough to keep your interest all on her own. I’m excited to see where her journey takes her and can’t wait to read more!
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