Their Comic & Tragic Collection of Letters


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The treasured youngest son of the Earl of Elmyr, Euilde Elmyr.

As innocent and kind as he was, he eagerly awaits the arrival of the ‘wounded’ and ‘frail’ Kael Clavis of the House of the Marquess of Clavis—a transfer student at the Academy—as requested by his esteemed brother.

But the Kael he sees is not the man described in his letters, but a madman himself…?

Caught in confusion, Euilde writes a letter to his brother, Richard, who advises him not to judge by appearances, so he extends his hand to the wounded kitten(?) first.

And then, before he knows it, he finds himself comfortably nestled in the kitten’s food bowl…

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희극적이며 비극적인 그들의 서간집
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