The Zombie Cafe Owner is an S-class Healer


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I awoke as a healer who could cleanse the zombie virus.

But I chose to keep it a secret.

I’d seen countless news reports of healers in the field being injured or killed.

I was going to live quietly in the countryside and run a café so that no one would know I was a Healer…

[Hello, new owner] [I’ve been waiting for you!]

“What is this, a game?”

The voice from the tablet PC spoke to me.

It claims to be an AI dedicated to raising Awakened.

[If you fulfil the quest I’m giving you, you can become an S-class!]

Choi Eunwoo Hunter would be the only one in Korea for S-level,

and I can become the same rank as him by doing a quest?!

There won’t be any dangerous quests, the cafe in the countryside won’t become famous, and I’d better be a highflyer in this harsh world.

Okay, call.

But this cafe is getting famous on social media, and it’s getting more and more customers.

Moreover, one day, he began to visit the cafe every day.

“Are you still going to refuse my offer today? I really want Shihyeon to join me.”

“I hope that’s not what you’re here for.”

“Well, that must be difficult. I’m in trouble without Shihyeon even for a day.”

I kept saying no, but why.

“Shihyeon, please don’t go.”

The image of Choi Eunwoo calling for me in my dreams haunted me.

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좀비 카페 사장은 S급 힐러입니다
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