The Young Male Protagonist Who is Destined for Ruin Fell for Me


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The man I had a drunken one-night stand with turned out to be the male lead from the original story. The issue? This ridiculously rich, handsome, and incredibly fit younger guy is set to start a war in two years. And me? I need to get out of here, obviously. So, I said, “I only liked you for your money.”

“Is that so? I have plenty of money. Does that mean you like me a lot, then?” He leaned in, planting a light kiss on my cheek, then asked in a low voice, “Besides the money, what else do you like about me? Yesterday, it seemed like you were quite into my face and body too.”


“I’m guessing you’re in love with me…”

“Ack!” Instinctively, I screamed to block his love confession. But Kyle, as if he’d just realized something, grinned brightly.

“I get it now, noona. You don’t want to hear me say I love you, right?”

Exactly, that’s it!

“In that case, I’ll express it in a way you like better than words.”

With that, Kyle tugged his tie loose and stepped closer to me.

No! I don’t want you to express it with your body either!

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Der Zerstörer hat sich in mich verliebt
Le destructeur s'est épris de moi
O desgraçado se apaixonou por mim
The Destroyer Fell in Love with Me
The Younger Male Lead Fell for Me Before the Destruction
파멸 예정 연하남주가 내게 빠졌다
파멸 예정 연하 남주가 내게 빠졌다
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