The World After Leaving the Hero’s Party


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After defeating the Demon King, I bid farewell to the Hero’s Party. They were devastated, but it was no concern of mine.

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용사파티 탈퇴 이후의 세계
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New hphunter rated it
November 25, 2024
Status: c18
Story is kinda silly but you know what you're getting into from the start. The author skips the heroines realizing their mistakes to having them appear begging to the sage which halves the fun of these kind of stories.

The sage is also kind of a psychopath, he doesn't develop true relationships and everything is only a step to get his achievements. Some might say he's traumatized but if someone thinks everyones wrong and they're right, then they're a JP protagonist or they're in a really mid story.

Edit: oh yeah the... more>> fact that the world's plot follows the game plot even with the sage's intervention is such a simpleminded idea. You can clearly see the author only using two pov to write his story: the sage (cool, good and injusticed) and the rest of the world (dumb and loves the sage). There's not even an attempt of justifying how the sage knows what will happen.

If people thought that the sage was a weirdo that got things done it'd make more sense than considering him kind and helpful. He's just a freak that knows impossible things and can do everything!!! People could respect but wouldn't befriend such a person!!! <<less
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