The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring


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Blind beauty top x good old uncle bottom

A visually impaired beauty moves into the house.

Shen Jixue x Chen Xian

After Chen Xian returns from a half-year-long trip out in the sea, not only has his wife run off with the money, but their house has also been rented out. Now, there’s a visually impaired beauty living in the house who refuses to leave no matter how hard he’s pushed.

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One entry per line
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Date Group Release
06/28/24 Novel Verse Translations c81
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06/27/24 Novel Verse Translations c67
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New springwaterfinger rated it
September 22, 2024
Status: --
At first I really liked this and thought it was trajic and realistic

Story? Was going good, my hopes for MC and ML relationship? High based on the ml's fixated and detailed thoughts when he was blind

I have to say Wu Bie is A REAL ONE... like he is so valid for telling Cheng Xian (the older mc) to leave that boy (ml) ASAP.. but not real enough for not actively coming up with ways to get rid of the Shen Jixue (ml) because if I was mc's freind I definitely... more>> would have.. especially after they got together, I just want the MC to have the happiness and partner/man he deserves

What an unhappy relationship ! I feel so bad for Cheng Xian ending up with the ml.. and I know the thing about younger guys being too immature which is a turn off but the ML is lowkey an adult (20 y/o)... and he still acts like that

In summary: MC literally saves the ML's life by a million-fold, ML remains pretty useless and cant pay him back but is on his high horse as if acting like the evil mistress of the house is cute and not annoying to the point it makes your blood boil, repeatedly says inconsiderate and hurtful things to MC, tires out the MC, rude to MC, actively trying to be better than the MC as soon as he gets his eyesight back, overexaggerates over every little thing MC does even in personal life, threatens to leave the MC and then he's acting like the MC is so lucky to have him + he basically preassured so much that he basically forced the MC to accept his love confession (at this point its just no...i really want to switch up on my liking for age gap and tell the MC to NEVER date a younger guy ever again)

Theres too many things to complain about the ML, I want the MC to break up with him so badly rather than trusting him and continuing to do so much for him <<less
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Angelmay520 rated it
June 28, 2024
Status: --
A very good story. It is not boring and one can learn a lot while reading it. I love the vulnerability of the ML in front of the MC, they deserve everything
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Wintercreeper rated it
June 21, 2024
Status: Completed
Quite nice at first, the writer did well with showing how sudden blindness affects a person, but there's so much dog blood and certain plot points way too "BL" for this kind of story.

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MC was married for years, but somehow he not only never loved his wife, who turned out to suddenly be a horrible person, he never slept or even kissed her.

The man is 30, they were married since their youth.

It was just to press him into the "inexperienced bottom who never loved or touched anyone" role.


In addition, the co-dependency got so strong that it was just uncomfortable, there's no way to believe they genuinely love each other instead of being obsessive/possessive about/of someone who supported them and cared when no one else did.

Especially ML, who the writer completely isolated until only MC was left.

There are other, smaller details, like the medical aspect not making much sense, but that's a minor flaw compared to the rest.

It's an ambitious, mature story the writer sadly wasn't able to pull off.

Try it out if you like drama with a happy ending, but don't expect too much. <<less
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Asatakaba rated it
July 18, 2024
Status: c67
Disregard the 4 star I accidentally hit it and idk how to redo

I give this novel a 1 star at best

1st the pacing is slow af

2nd the shou is a pushover and way to nice

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3rd what's the point of the gong went to all that trial of learning and adopting to his blindness just for him to be cured of it at the end

4th what's with the description they got together at like chapter 60, after the gong went through his eye surgery


5th the Shou childhood friend sometimes I get where he's coming from, but other times he need to shut up, sit down and just look pretty


6th the gong family situation, I didn't like how it was brushed over. The way the gong behave after finding out what happened to his father (mind you someone he was waiting for, who went out to look for a job for them to be able to survive. Who he thought might have abandoned him) was not well thought out and glossed over. And what's with his greedy uncle??

Cute premise (minus the whole wife thing, funny how she left only 22 cent on the account) but why did the gong have to regain his sight

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