The Witch of Salvation is a V*rgin B*tch


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“Your country? I can save it, but please give me 5 or 6 virg*n dicks. I’ll use my powers if you can give me ones that’ll pump me with fresh s**en until they turn flaccid.”

“I love you. I will definitely satisfy you, so please let me be the only one. Let’s get married.”

A story about a witch heroine who saved the country who is a thoroughbred virg*n sl*t due to her bloodline, and a peerless knight who wants to make such a witch his own no matter what.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Kyuukoku no Majo-sama wa Shojo B*tch
The Witch of Salvation is a V*rgin Slut
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When the Witch is Imprinted (1)
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  5. **NSFW 21++ Het**

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3 Reviews sorted by

cheelchan rated it
November 6, 2021
Status: Completed
Quick smut. It wasn’t that superb but it isn’t so bad. The MC is a demon.

She lives off from s**en. But she really hates her ability though bc her mother abandoned her after she gave birth.


The ML is one of the knights that was gifted to her by the King in exchange for her efforts.

he has been curious with her since he has first heard about her from his friend. He fell in love with her at first sight. Since then, he has tried his best to be at her side and be one of those knights to be gifted to her. But pretty much, he’s the only one she ends up having s*x with. He also respects her a lot and sticks to her earlier wish to only have s*x once they reach the inn/hotel, and not outside (she got h**ny before they could reach the inn and has been begging for c*ck action but he repeatedly stopped her from doing anything bc he wants to respect her wishes when she was still sober.) eventually, he tells her that he’s in love with her and even asks for her permission before he can imp**gnate her.


In short, I didn’t expect to read a good smut, so I’m glad that I was able to read this one shot. Ending was kinda quick, though. Kinda hoped they expounded a bit on the last part, but it made sense nevertheless.

Thank you, as well, translator!
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chande rated it
May 20, 2022
Status: Completed
So, MC was a wicth who had a power to exterminate a demon but it came with a price.

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After using her power, she'll become very h*rny and needed a man's s*men (lots of it according to MC) to quench it or she'll slowly die in pain.


MC actually hated her power because she dreamed of being a wife but she couldn't because her power made her felt that she was dirty and didn't deserve a marriage. So, I think the title was a bit misleading because she wasn't a bi*ch. She was actually quite pure and managed to keep her v*rginity until she was forced to use her power out of kindness.

I'm glad that in the end, she didn't have to spread her leg to many men because she met ML.


ML was one of the men that was offered by the king to have s*x with her. He fell in love with MC after continuously hearing about her from her cousin who was also his friend. He wanted MC to only have s*x with him and then married him so, he would be the first and the last man that touched her.


As for the sm*t, it wasn't very detailed though. But overall, it was still okay. <<less
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FreyjaVanadis rated it
November 10, 2022
Status: Completed
This was actually kind of adorable. MC's family has incredibly strong magical power, but once used they have to get a lot of s*men immediately afterward or they will die or go insane from the pain. The premise is a hilariously simple way for our poor MC to get hammered, but the thought that went into how a person would actually FEEL knowing that was their fate is well-thought out.

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MC knows that as soon as she uses her power she is going to be forced to be the star of her own personal orgy, and her goal is to become a wife in a loving happy marriage with only one person. Very luckily for her, our ML knows EXACTLY what's going on because her cousin was his roommate a knight school, and he thinks she is adorable and perfect and exactly who he wants - after finding out how the curse works, ML found out her dreams and life philosophy and respects and appreciates her perspective. ML is respectful and asks for consent, including the *solution* to her problem (which is very good, considering I had some concerns about consent given the opening scene, which was well-resolved once you know ML's background).


All in all, brilliantly thought out and executed. I ADORE the sheer fluff of the ending. I'm going to put this in my Everything Is Terrible And I Need Adorable Fluff folder. Happy smutty reading! <<less
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