The Witch and the Mercenary


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“Witches” ―――the only remaining unknown entity on a continent where demonic beasts and sorcery have all but disappeared.

Jig, a mercenary, has set out to defeat one of these beings that have been feared since ancient times. After a fierce battle, he narrowly emerges victorious, but at the same time, he loses any reason for killing the witch. As he is about to leave without finishing the job, the witch makes a request of him. She desires a life free from being pursued by anyone.

After struggling over it, the mercenary decides to accept the request. He feels that it would be difficult to fulfill the request on this continent, where people have a strong aversion to witches, so he makes the decision to embark on a voyage to an alien continent that has been known to exist for some time but has only become accessible in recent years.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Majo to Yōhei
Witch and Mercenary
Related Series
Reincarnated • The Hero Marries the Sage ~After Becoming Engaged to a Former Rival, We Became the Strongest Couple~ (1)
The Strange Adventure of a Broke Mercenary (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Ranking of novels i have read
  2. Romance novels with male MCs
  3. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (JP On-Going)
  4. I think this is great (no-minimal romance)
  5. the culture entertainment of isekai 2

Latest Release

Date Group Release
02/14/25 FoxTeller c192
02/10/25 FoxTeller c191
02/06/25 FoxTeller c190
02/02/25 FoxTeller c189
01/29/25 FoxTeller c188
01/25/25 FoxTeller c187
01/21/25 FoxTeller c186
01/17/25 FoxTeller c185
01/13/25 FoxTeller c184
01/09/25 FoxTeller c183
01/05/25 FoxTeller c182
01/01/25 FoxTeller c181
12/28/24 FoxTeller c180
12/24/24 FoxTeller c179
12/20/24 FoxTeller c178
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6 Reviews sorted by

Mr.slowly rated it
May 29, 2023
Status: c24
Ok, just finished up reading until the latest chapter, which I think is 39. I must say, and I apologize to the previous reviewers, but those are two of the most skewed and almost embarrassing reviews I've run across and bring down the quality of the site in my opinion. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, of course, but those sorts of negative things are just a shame to see whenever.

Having gotten that out of the way - I will say that I found this to be a very enjoyable... more>> first novel from this author. I did not read the story in the original language, so I cannot comment on that - but I thought the writing was very good, and if the flow was all the work of the translator, then I would say the duo is excellent. There were perhaps 3-4 rushed spots in the plot, mostly at the beginning, but aside from some board of experts grading thesis-level papers, this is absolutely an enjoyable read. Why exactly is everyone so uptight with free work being shared? I'll never understand. As the story unfolded, I definitely got more and more into things and am enjoying the character and world developments very much. The ML and the FL are slowly starting to get in sync and I personally would like to hear more about their adventure. This is pretty early in the story to break things down too much so I'll leave it pretty vague, but I would definitely recommend giving this a try and see what you feel. <<less
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default88 rated it
February 24, 2024
Status: c106
Fun story.

No harem at all. I don't see what the other reviewer is complaining about. Sure, there are other female characters in the story, but that doesn't make it a harem. They are side characters at best and there is no romance at all between them and the MC. Hell, the MC was about to emotionlessly mu*der them at first.

Some amount of worldbuulding has happened but not all that much.

Reading the interactions of the witch and the merc is a lot of fun.

Looking forward to more of this.
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Nightbringer rated it
February 3, 2023
Status: c48
I went in with severe pessimism since I hate mercenary/bodyguard/butler/assassin/soldier protagonists with passion (narrows it down for me quite a bit hey? :)) but at the beginning I was pleasantly surprised it was a decent read thought out author wasn't just spouting nonsense characters weren't completely one-dimensional the female character wasn't extremely annoying the male character wasn't completely spineless and there were some darker themes as well. Then there was a bit too much focus on racism bad which I find a bit tiring at this point but whatever... the... more>> breaking point was the last chapter I read

where the protagonist completely folded like a bit*h in a situation where he wasn't at fault in the slightest in front of the witch just for "comedic" purpose.

I read way too many japanese novels to bother reading any further. It has harem elements and that doesn't help either.

The translation is good. <<less
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magthefma4 rated it
November 24, 2024
Status: c89
Average. It's not terrible in any aspect, but it has no good point either.

The premise is a witch wanting to start a new life in a distant continent so she hires a merc to accompany her.

The witch is the less focused one so let's talk about her first. She has lived for a very long time as a secluded witch so she is very powerful and merciless to her enemies, but because of that many things are new to her and she can be excited like a countrygirl too.
The merc guy is the protagonist. He's insanely strong. And since he's a merc he has loose morals, he will take on any job as long as it pays and doesn't brand him an enemy of the state.

So basically you have 2 very overpowered MCs in one story. And that's it. My impression with the story is that the author wanted to come up with something mature but it was so half-assedly done that it turned out shallow. There was not a single interesting thing about the story so far. The male MC is bland. All his enemies were simply inferior to him. The reasons for the important fights are all every dumb, like:

Male MC: "I didn't do what you suspect I did. But because I'm a merc, it would hurt my reputation if I gave up information willingly so I will not answer any questions and will fight you to the death if necessary."

His enemies: "We also don't have enough proof to prove that you did, in fact, commit those crimes. But instead of digging deeper, we are sure that we can win and we don't like your attitude, so we will fight you."

Then the male MC wins, his enemies eventually find out that he also didn't do it. So they regretted their rashness and tried to repay him for their transgressions.

I do not criticize those events for being unrealistic. But 3 consecutive major conflicts (in the span of 90 chapters) went off exactly like this and I just had to roll my eyes, it's like this is the only way the author knew to progress the story.


Event #1: "Oh, I see you just walked out of a store affiliated with my enemy mafia clan. That definitely means you are a member of that clan, and thus my enemy. I will kill you."

Result: Defeated and realized he was just an outsider. Paid him a lot of money for compensation.

Event #2: "My old comrade in arms, why are you hanging out with a witch? Could it be that you have been bewitched by her? I have no choice but to kill you."

Result: Killed. I don't even count this as one of the major conflicts since bro literally just showed up to die.

Event #3: "My adventurer clan's members were attacked by someone that looked like you. Care to tell us what you were doing yesterday? No? Okay we will beat it out of you."

Result: Defeated and realized he wasn't the culprit. Paid him a lot of money for compensation.

Event #4: "We are investigating the mafia's drug trafficking and you are a suspect. Please come with us quietly. No? Okay we will arrest you by force."

Result: Defeated and realizd he had nothing to do with it. Paid him a lot of money for compensation.


The MC has no morals so he has no real enemies, all the ones I listed were just people doing their jobs (albeit poorly). No one has any real beef with him, and thus no fights are satisfying at all. To make matters worse, fights are most of what the story is about so far. There's not much world building, other characters, or events to speak of.

Finally, is there harem in this story? In the traditional sense, no. No female characters including the female MC shows real romantic interest for the male MC so far. But there are certainly many girls that have their eyes on him and they are also just as bland, so that's that.
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Insaniah rated it
August 18, 2024
Status: c140
So I read this for a very specific reason. Witches. And the witch in this story delivered. It's the exact type of witch I like. The one that's a different species from humans and doesn't consider humans as people. If you like witches as well, Siasha here won't disappoint you.

The story itself was a pleasant surprise. It explained a lot of settings other authors would just state and assume the reader can fill in the blanks based on tropes in ways I quite liked. For example the author explained the... more>> reason adventurers existed in the new continent and the effects of their existence. Interesting stuff, I appreciated it

The story plays out mostly in Jig's perspective. Which is usually more serious in tone. It works well when the author sometimes insert some s*upid joke which works only because of it being juxtaposed to the seriousness of everything else. The author sometimes writes in Siasha's perspective as well, which is generally more lighthearted in tone. Although, the contents are just as serious. You can choose to realise that, and maybe find yourself afraid of Siasha; or just enjoy this witch going about things her way.

Conclusion, the coldness of the MCs when dealing with enemies goes hard. Thanks to the translator and of course the author for the amazing work! Looking forward to more <<less
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AJS90 rated it
April 2, 2023
Status: c10
(First of all, I’m only rating the original Japanese WN here. I didn’t read the translation; therefore I have no mean to rate it.)

Honestly, this was probably one of the worst written WN I’ve read in a while. The utter lack of punctuation was confusing, to say the least. I frankly doubt the author even knew about the existence of punctuation or its proper usage to begin with in the early chapters.

Further, the structure and pacing is all over the place. The number of time skips in places... more>> where the author could have introduced characters, and developed their personalities and relationships in just the first 10 chapters had me staggering.

The “theme” of this story also appears to become redundant all too fast. Starting out as a story where a witch means to escape her life in constant hiding, seeking a place to live in peace and asking our MC, the mercenary, for guidance and support on the journey to reach said place.

At this point I would have thought we’d get a Spice and Wolf style journey centered story. But what it turned out to be was a superficial collection of time skips until they reached supposed safe haven, only for the story to likely (stopped caring at this point) turn into your average “adventurer quest”.

Taking a quick glance at the translation, the translator at least alleviated some of the problems of the raw script (doubling as the author’s editor for anyone only reading the English translation, I dare say).

But as I’d prefer to keep with the original, I can only judge this as a bland, badly written WN, not worth the hassle to spend any more time on. <<less
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