The Wicked Princess and 12 Eyes – The Strongest Squires and the Legendary Evil Woman, the Second Time in Her Life


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Duchess Selina’s life was supposed to end with a poisoned drink after being jilted by the Crown Prince—or so she thought. Somehow, she’s been thrown back in time to start her life anew. By the way, that whole affair was a false accusation, a terrible misunderstanding. After all, she “merely dropped a potted plant aimed at the saint’s head” and “didn’t actually kill anyone.”

Her previous downfall was due to a lack of capable subordinates. Well, this time she’ll adopt orphans with nowhere else to go, raise them to be assassins, and crush everyone who made a fool of her! And so begins Selina’s servant training program. But after grueling training, what emerges is a group of servants and a guard dog that are, in a sense, the strongest of their kind!?

“Do we love Lady Selina?”

“Lifelong loyalty! With our very lives! Loyalty! Loyalty! Loyalty!”

“Selina… what on earth is ‘that’?”

“Father, they’re simply steeling themselves in the face of their duties as servants.” (with a straight face)

A slightly crazy tale of villainy, misunderstood heroism, and reincarnation, featuring a heroine living her second life with her moral compass completely off-kilter!

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Aku no reijō to Jūni no hitomi ~ saikyō jūsha-tachi to densetsu no akujo, jinsei futatabime no kareinaru musō-roku ~
The Wicked Princess and 12 Eyes (LN)
悪の令嬢と十二の瞳 ~最強従者たちと伝説の悪女, 人生二度目の華麗なる無双録~
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