The Way of the Evil


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This is a detective story filled with all kinds of people—from those with abnormal behavior to the mentally unstable—with numerous absurd cases with handsome men and beautiful women interwoven in them.

A series of missing children, corpses down the drain, a mu*derer who died and was revived, an obsessive serial bomber who targets public buses, the bloody words on the walls belonging to a family all mu*dered…….

Associated Names
One entry per line
Huai Dao
Related Series
A Returning Journey (Prequel)
Criminal Psychology (4)
S.C.I Mystery Series (3)
Psychic (3)
Criminal Investigation Notes (3)
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Silent Reading (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. 100 Danmei Challenge for 2025
  2. BL - Modern (2)
  3. BL Novel
  4. Aberrant Way (THRILLER BL)
  5. Danmei + Baihe TBR (1)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
05/10/21 Wo Cao Translations extra (end)
05/09/21 Wo Cao Translations c94
05/03/21 Wo Cao Translations c92-93
04/25/21 Wo Cao Translations c90-91
04/18/21 Wo Cao Translations c88-89
04/11/21 Wo Cao Translations c86-87
04/04/21 Wo Cao Translations c84-85
03/20/21 Wo Cao Translations c81
03/20/21 Wo Cao Translations c80
03/14/21 Wo Cao Translations c79
03/09/21 Wo Cao Translations c78
01/31/21 Wo Cao Translations c77
01/26/21 Wo Cao Translations c76
01/22/21 Wo Cao Translations c75
01/16/21 Wo Cao Translations c74
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SheTurnedMeIntoANewt rated it
January 22, 2020
Status: c8
It’s only 8 chapters in but as the first arc/case has come to a close I thought I might as well.

first off the translation... it’s not bad? It’s a bit hard to describe but at least early on it’s very... wordy. I actually felt my eyes glaze over a few times while reading the first several chapters and had to go back and reread paragraphs. however nothings actually incorrect grammatically and this does seem to tone down as the chapters progress. by the end of 8 I’d say it flows... more>> nicely (or maybe my brain has just melted...)

As for the story itself well, it’s by priest. if you know her that says a lot, if you don't, she's known for fun compelling complex characters and making characters work for (often bittersweet) happy endings. already there's several interesting characters with unexplored depths and a whole department of police with fun chaotic dynamics with each other.

I'm genuinely not sure if id recommend this if you're here for the mystery though, its a bit hit or miss. a lot of the sleuthing at least in this first case has been psychoanalising a person who isn't there on extremely limited information and coming to some... questionable answers. not wrong ones, or even outlandish ones just... overly specific ones

like the police are looking at several headless corpses lined up in neat row in the sewers and realize their heads are chopped off so every corpse is the same height and they're just like "aaah yes OCD" and I was like ???? there are several other potential reasons for a situation like this???? you're just gonna jump to a conclusion like that????

so if that kind of thing bothers you id say go in cautiously.

finally, on a somewhat personal issue I had with this that's by no means a problem only this series has, it really leans into the whole 'the mentally ill as dangerous' trope and from the descriptions I've seen it seems it will continue to do so which came off as... distasteful maybe? it bothered me at least and I might as well warn others if it may bother someone else.

I guess in conclusion; came for the mystery stayed for the characters.

P.S. and the main couple already have a fun nonromantic dynamic atm "A powerful, calm outside but wild inside gong X a naturally spacey shou of unknown character" as the translator put it <<less
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_Aylar_ rated it
February 20, 2022
Status: Completed
This novel has a good story. An acceptable combination of criminal cases, psychological analysis and romance with interesting characters.

This was the 8th and oldest priest's novel I've read. It's very interesting for me to see her progress over the years. This progress is especially evident when we compare this novel with mo du (This can be considered as an immature version of mo du)

Overall I give it 4 because I have read better novels in this genre. This novel is not as good as those, but in my opinion... more>> it's worth reading. Give it a shot.

PS: Thank you Wo Cao translations team for translating this novel :)) <<less
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Mimilove98 rated it
September 10, 2021
Status: Completed
This is my 3rd novel by Priest. As expected the story is interesting. The flow of the story is easy to follow. I don't know why this is given low rating. Guess it depends on the individual so just give it a try. For me it was worth it and I am glad I gave it a try
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Matalesta rated it
December 24, 2021
Status: c44
I think it's a fascinating novel that gives an idea of the work of a criminal psychologist. I didn't notice any horrors as such, but the plot is seasoned with a gradually developing, albeit unexpected romance, which so far I can only explain by curiosity or some kind of syndrome. But in general, the work is above my expectations.
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