The Villain’s Precious Daughter


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It’s already unfair that I suffered greatly because I closely resembled the Saintess but why did the villain kill me without any mercy at all?

No, actually, it said in the book that I was really bound to die.

‘My life is already ruined. Of all things, why do I have to be the one to die a ridiculous death?’

There’s still hope! I haven’t met any of the characters yet so I’ll just run away!

But why did the villain collapse in front of me……?

With a lot of effort, I barely saved the life of the villain who was on the brink of death.

But now he’s saying that he wanted to adopt me as his daughter and raise me to be a Saintess?!

Just like that, I decided to become his daughter for a few days before leaving quietly.

“My daughter is a genius. There’s no child that is more angelic in this world other than my daughter.”

……I think I have coaxed my dad too well.

Even the guys who originally followed the real Saintess started to pay attention to me.

What went wrong? Aren’t you guys supposed to hate me?!

Associated Names
One entry per line
The Villain's Beloved Daughter (Official Manhwa)
악당의 소중한 따님
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. A Villainous World
  2. My Words.Your Vision
  3. favorite novels
  4. Growing Up Loved This Time
  5. Romance

Latest Release

Date Group Release
06/25/22 Travis Translations v1c12
06/18/22 Travis Translations v1c11
06/12/22 Travis Translations v1c10
01/19/22 Hungry Translations c8
01/08/22 Travis Translations c9
12/31/21 Travis Translations v1c8
11/14/21 Hungry Translations c7
09/27/21 Hungry Translations c6
03/05/21 Hungry Translations c5
03/03/21 Hungry Translations c4
02/26/21 Hungry Translations c3
02/08/21 Hungry Translations c2
02/09/21 Hungry Translations c1
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2 Reviews sorted by

Nepenthe rated it
June 18, 2022
Status: c11
I think this has to be the only novel I’ve read so far where a kid gets knowledge of their tragic future and then still acts like a real kid! The main character is super spunky and fun, but she’s only eight and doesn’t know very much. She doesn’t actually know how to treat wounds, or how to lie smoothly, or how to be able to survive on her own. It’s honestly very cute.

I can already guess a lot of the eventual plot from hints that have been dropped, but... more>> I don’t really mind. It’s so refreshing to have our child protagonist actually behave like a kid, and it makes some of the typical ill-thought out schemes seen here and in other novels believable instead of cringeworthy. Avoiding that secondhand embarrassment is nice.

Thank you translator for picking this up! I’m so glad you did! It’s been a really nice translation so far. I hope to be able to read more soon! <<less
13 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Syncletica rated it
July 24, 2023
Status: Completed
Honestly, this story wasn't too bad at all, just —the execution was a bit lacking. It had a good plotline and world building. I also enjoyed the childishness of the protagonist. It was kind of refreshing after seeing so many 'precocious' reincarnated or transmigrated main characters. The characters in this story was not too two-dimensional, although it still lacked a little reason or cause for their actions.

But what I found the most confusing was the relationship development of the main character with the male lead, her "adoptive" cousin. Although they... more>> might interacted a lot during their childhood, and perhaps grew some attachments, towards the ending their relationship seemed too rushed. It was as if I was seeing two childhood friends who separated for a long time immediately get together after their reunion without trying to recount the past first. I also felt the ending was too forced. The protagonist suddenly became overpowered after submitting to her fate? It just seemed a little incomprehensible for me. It would be better if the author explained a little about what happened to the protagonist during her "dormant" state.

I would recommend this for an easy read. Although some of the elements seemed confusing and unrealistic, at least it didn't require you too much thinking.😊 <<less
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