The Villainess Who Has Been Killed 108 Times


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Stabbed 7 times. Massacred 11 times. Beheaded 5 times. Hanged 3 times. Burnt to death 7 times. Drowned 8 times. Run over 3 times. Shot 12 times. Poisoned 6 times. Strangled 7 times, etcetera… Scarlett was a villainess whose life has repeated 108 times in total. The duke’s redheaded, red-eyed daughter summoned fear and terrorized the nation as a ruthless queen. In all of her 108 lifetimes, she always ended up dying at the age of 28. After 107 lifetimes ending by being killed by one of the five heroes and the flower-minded heroine, she died for the 108th due to an accident. Thus on her 109th life, Scarlett regains all her memories and tries to break free from the loop. Will Scarlett be able to break the chains of the Red Curse?

Associated Names
One entry per line
108-kai Korosareta Akuyaku Reijou. Subete wo Omoidashita node, Otome wa Ruby de Kiseki Shimasu
The Villainess Who Has Been Killed 108 Times: She Remembered Everything; the Maiden With the Ruby Creates a Miracle
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Romance Novels I Actually Enjoy
  2. JP Villainess novels with manga adaption
  3. Stuck in A Novel
  4. Female MC (japanese) first part
  5. Hmmm interesting

Latest Release

Date Group Release
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11/10/23 Light Novels Translations c52 part3
11/07/23 Light Novels Translations c52 part2
11/07/23 Light Novels Translations c52 part1
11/07/23 Light Novels Translations c51 part5
11/04/23 Light Novels Translations c51 part4
11/01/23 Light Novels Translations c51 part3
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4 Reviews sorted by

Arha rated it
March 16, 2021
Status: c22
The story seems interesting enough but the tone is incredibly inconsistent with frequent jumps from things like hellhounds that eat babies to poop jokes then switching to a toddler that assassinates people purely for the sake of causing misery to the protagonist. It's very jarring.

I had to bump it down a star. The writing feels very immature trying to be edgy feeling, if you know what I mean? Lots of blood and sh*t and mayhem but little real substance and a lot of inconsistent feeling writing.
19 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
RiAjAnE rated it
September 29, 2021
Status: v1c25
If I say so myself, while the plot is superb the writing cause many confusions.

Though describing rebirth is a good thing, MC can't take any actions cause she's still a baby.

There is a dude who can read heart, a heroine (serious mental case) who is very, very obsessed with our MC (villainess), and others... I can't help but want to ship those two (sadistic crazy heroine X villainess who has been ruthless queen 108 times) pity it was not a shoujo ai.

We can't say who is more noble or pure... more>> between two of them. In the pov of heroine, although she was obsessed with stalking/ mol*sting/ making MC miserable, our MC can't be said to be any better. She said a word and eliminate an entire clan of one of the 5 heros though she feel a little guilty. Each life they're at the throat of each other. Both of them are batsh*t crazy. If there is a chance I would be extremely happy if this novel can be change into Enemy to Lover type yuri.... It would be very, very interesting. <<less
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Bolovis rated it
October 10, 2021
Status: v1c28
I have never read something that better represents the adjective of emotional rollercoster.

So this seems like usual time-redoing shenanigans like usual. But over the course of, sometimes the same, chapter it falls into sh*t jokes followed by the highest grade of tragedy. And next happiness and joy, just to remmember you that this story is heavy and the characters passed a good sum of tribulations, mostly unrequited or for no reason other than to suffer. This could easily be called tragedy p*rn. You get the feeling the author does it... more>> for the shock value more than anything.

But even so, it is amazing. Redoing your life is a done trope, and this one ups it by saying it is the 109 try. It contains the expected tropes, as someone who is behind it all, and even while knowing so much from the previous experiences, there are secrets that she never knew. The levity must be the author trying to relax the reader of the heaviness he gives some of the, most of the time, tragic characters.

If anything, I want to read where this goes, even with this somewhat chaotic pacing and all over the place tone, that turns this a unique experience.

If you like time-redoing plots and strong-willed MC this is for you. Just be aware of the gratuitous heavy and explicit (really explicit at parts) tragedy and the tone shift. <<less
5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Asphyxia778 rated it
April 19, 2022
Status: --
The story is a slightly different take on the villainess trope and seems interesting.

The problem is the inconsistent writing. Frequent jumps in topics and bad jokes and trying too hard to make it dark so it's edgy.

(At least the manga art is pretty)
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