The Villainess Is Going To Have It All


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A month ago, Erina realized she had been reincarnated into a novel.

The male protagonist of the original story was her husband, Phaylon Eols, and Erina herself was the villainess created to highlight the love between the main characters.

She harbored a faint hope that if she acted differently from the original story, something might change.

“This woman, she’s the one I love. She’ll be staying in this mansion from now on.”

But when she was confronted with the sight of the two together, she found it utterly unbearable.

She would take everything that was meant to be Rose’s, and she would destroy everything Phaylon had built.

She would tear apart the filthy affair that they dared to disguise as love, the affair that had shattered her and cast her as the villainess. She would ruin the Eols family, who sought to confine her and let her wither away.

If necessary, she would gladly become a selfish villainess and take everything away from them.

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