The Villainess Is Annoyed by the Male Leads Again Today


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“Now there are no hard feelings. Let’s each live our lives well, and never see each other again.”

The beginning of the possession was indeed a typical family regret story.

Having cut ties with the troublesome family, I thought a peaceful life of unemployment awaited me.


For some reason, men who had no interest in this body before the possession started to cling to me.

“I have found something I like.”

“What is it?”

“It’s Lady Lora.”

The s*ave I brought along out of pity for being beaten confessed.

“Why don’t you take care of yourself, Lady Lora? From now on, I’ll take care of you.”

The mixed-race butler’s condition also became strange,

“Laura, will you marry me?”

The Grand Duke, who used to threaten and intimidate me, started proposing.

“Haa. This sweet scent… You’re the first to drive me this crazy.”

The madman seems to have gone even madder.

……I just wish they would all go away.

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