The Villainess Has No Regrets in this Life


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The moment my life, which was used solely for my younger sister, ended in vain, I returned to the past. So, this time, I decided to live solely for myself. I had long since abandoned any lingering attachment to the harmonious family I had once desired so much.

As I was changing my life for the better and living well, for some reason, the marquis who liked Leila in my previous life started showing interest in me.

“There’s no need to greet me so formally. Just call me Delian comfortably.”

Moreover, the crown prince, whom I had never met before, also claims to like me.

“Miss Rowenloa, would you attend this banquet with me as my partner?”

Thanks to the people who have seeped into my life, which I thought I would live alone, I now have a new goal. I will trample on those who torment me in both my previous and current lives and become the best.

Together with my people.

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