The Villain Dreams Of World Peace


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This is like a novel, right?

I think I’ve possessed Muriel, the worst evil woman who destroys the world.

Or maybe I’m going crazy or I’m having a weird dream.

Anyway, if I don’t do something, The World will end!

I saved the men who were going to die from my evil deeds,

I tried to live a good life without touching evil power.

But The devil waiting for my depravity continues to fret and seduce me.

“You look better as a wicked woman.”

“If you want to live, you have to pray to the devil.”

“What is that disaster-level magic skill? Why don’t you borrow the power of the devil?”

I wanted to help him even though I knew there was nothing good about being involved with him.

Kaiton Ur.

He’s not actually the devil, he’s just a black wizard struggling to live, and I’m the only one in the world who knows that.

“I don’t beg for my life from the devil.”

”I’m going to save the devil.”

I decided to restore the demon king’s honor, but it’s a little strange that he doesn’t want it.

“I don’t need everyone’s love. Don’t you know what I really want?”

The more you dream of world peace, the more you become the leader of the villain’s den.

The struggle for love and peace by the unlucky villain, Muriel Storm.

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keikomushi rated it
June 16, 2022
Status: c14
This series has been an excellent find. The first fourteen chapters have been a surprisingly fun read. Whilst there have been a few typos and oddities in the POV, it is still quite accessible. The story itself is told primarily through the viewpoint of a young woman transmigrated into 'villainess' Muriel Storm, the central protagonist. Muriel has issues with what is the equivalent of mana in the story world and has been summoned to a saint trial after an oracle spoke of a future saint to take out an entity... more>> referred to as a 'demon king'. Yes, it is a familiar setup, but Muriel has to contend with the grouchy 'demon king' being her tutor. On top of this, there are a host of other interesting characters that breath life into the world and story as a whole. The last few chapters, however, kick things up a notch, but I recommend that you guys read it as I don't want to spoil it for you, beyond saying that it gets into some mature themes that might make people feel uncomfortable. <<less
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