The Vicious Dog


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Xu Luling had a boyfriend that everyone envied. He was cool and refined, a graduate from a top international school, an investment banking elite, and most importantly, he treated Xu Luling extremely well.

Lately, her boyfriend seemed to be stalked by someone.

He kept receiving death threats, and strange accidents kept happening one after another: secret surveillance cameras installed in their home, a car that suddenly couldn’t stop on the road, a plaster dummy falling from above…

Finally, one day, her boyfriend really disappeared.

As she went to report it to the police, the missing man suddenly appeared behind her, drenched, like he’d rushed over without even grabbing an umbrella, looking like a lost puppy she’d forgotten by the roadside: “Lingling, I’m back.”

But twenty days later, this man who said he’d returned mysteriously died.

There was one thing she never told anyone.

She always had a feeling that he had never truly left. He was always there, right by her side.

[No one knew that her boyfriend could stay by her side 24/7.]

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  4. Completely translated novels 9 (higher ratings)

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2 Reviews sorted by

New kinda_legendary rated it
September 20, 2024
Status: Completed
I think this was written well but personally I don't like this story at all. If you like feeling disgusted by reading stories then you might like this one. I usually wouldn't complete a story like this because I don't really like the topic/plot twist of this kind of story but I completed it because it was short. The plot was very complete without any plot holes but for me it felt a bit outlandish and I just felt horrible for the MC ... more>>

especially at the end when she thought she could move on but was tricked again. I just personally dont like the topic of repeatedly tricking your SO into something they do not consent to and oh boy theres a lot of that.

I really don't like these stories so I would normally give a 1 star but giving 2 because it is very well written! <<less
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New nayumi_.0o rated it
September 19, 2024
Status: Completed
literal chills!! Its a really short read so giving it 5☆, if it dragged on then that wouldn't be the case.

to be clear, although I'm a sucker for mystery the ending is not my cup of tea but other than that the story is written well, and the translation is very beautifully done. Personally, I get too involved in a story and get lost in emotions, and the later parts made me feel extremely nauseous. even the background characters are realistically written. The build-up and the reveals are quite okay. Although you can find some plot holes, they're not that apparent.

the twists and turns are very well put together, but amongst the intrigue I would like to put the FL in the limelight. She is a really admirable person. Her getting tricked so much was not quite to my fancy but its good

loved her personality; finding the truth and believing in herself, as well as her varying emotions, was truly striking albeit even she was fooled.


this story is one of a kind.
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