The Unremarkable Man Who Fell Into The Dungeon’s Pit Survives By Acquiring A Plain But Useful Skill, and Through Persistent Effort While Enduring The Absurdity, He Gradually Rises to Success


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35 years since the dungeons appeared without any warning.

Humanity had overcome the chaos and confusion of the initial appearance of the dungeons and had succeeded in acquiring unprecedented new resources by sending those who were resistant to the harmful substances, known as “magic elements,” that spewed forth from the dungeons.

Japan in such a world.

The year is 2035. Shogo Nakamura, who worked at Dungeon Resource Development Co., was diving into the Shibuya Dungeon every day to earn money for his bedridden mother’s medical expenses due to a difficult illness.

Shogo, considered a failure because his skills had not awakened, was looked down upon by his colleagues, and that day he was working alone on resource gathering.

As usual, he was working, but suddenly, a black hole appeared, and Shogo was swallowed by it.

The place he fell into was like an underground lake he had never seen before.

The watch device he was wearing indicates that this is the Shibuya Dungeon.

The Shibuya Dungeon goes down to the third basement level.

As he wandered through the dungeon, thinking such a thing was impossible, Shogo encountered a goblin with a grayish body color. Shogo desperately flees from the goblin with a body color he had never seen in any documents and a robust physique.

However, a knife thrown by the goblin pierced his leg, causing him to fall and putting him in a life-or-death situation. However, with the skills awakened at the brink of death, Shogo kills the monsters and survives. And then, with the advice of three viewers who noticed the emergency rescue broadcast, he managed to defeat the attacking monsters and somehow succeeded in returning to the surface.

After returning, Shogo further developed his awakened skills through hard work, gaining the means to earn not only the hospitalization fees for his sick mother but also the high medical costs to cure her illness.

However, the newly developed skills also end up attracting new difficulties.

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