The Unemployed Prince Covets My Nephew


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“I want you to live with me as my wife for just one year. Of course, you must bring that child with you.”

A soon-to-be unemployed and deranged prince proposes to Hailey, a single woman with a child. However, it seems the prince is actually targeting her five-year-old nephew.

“I’ve been looking for a woman just like you. The perfect ideal I’ve dreamed of.”
“Crazy bastard.”

Hailey ends up entering a one-year contract marriage with the mad prince. With her nephew Theo, she heads to the mysterious island of Winchester, determined to repay the prince’s grace like a grateful magpie. In the seemingly peaceful Winchester, mages and forest fairies start appearing.

“Daddy Axel.”
Her nephew Theo keeps calling the prince ‘daddy.’

“In a harmonious family, physical affection is a must.”
The mad prince’s flirting is going off the rails!

A chaotic journey of the three musketeers who seem like a family but aren’t, as they enter the grand duchy of Winchester!

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The Soon-to-Be Unemployed Prince Covets My Nephew
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