The Tribulation-Passing Pill Deity


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The ancient methods of cultivation have been lost, and spiritual energy has long dissipated from the human realm. Major tribulations are now rare, and before the resurgence of spiritual energy, such catastrophes didn’t occur. Yet, tribulations aren’t limited to divine calamities; natural disasters, human conflicts, severe illnesses, even minor headaches, and stumbles can be forms of tribulations. Workplace betrayals or the disgrace of a favorite celebrity can also count as tribulations. They are omnipresent. Before the resurgence of spiritual energy, the misfortunes faced by ordinary people were merely bad luck. But once spiritual energy returns, cultivators defy the natural order, restoring the laws of the heavens. Each breakthrough to a higher level comes with its own tribulation.

Lin Qingyun, however, can harness the power of different tribulations for cultivation. What others fear as deadly trials, he sees as powerful nourishment. Reborn with a tribulation-passing physique and carrying the Creation Pill Furnace, he is destined to become the supreme Tribulation-Passing Pill Deity. No matter the powerful factions, demonic legacies, star-beasts, cultivation civilizations, earthly or heavenly tribulations—on this Earth, the Tribulation-Passing Pill Deity has them all covered.

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