The Transition Period of a Break-up


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After three years and five months of togetherness, Jiang Kezhou and Ye Zheng called it quits.

It’s easy to say “break up,” but it’s hard to erase the relationship.

To the outside world, Jiang Kezhou is still the chairman’s wife, second sister-in-law, younger sister-in-law, and “the tigress of the master’s house.”

But to Jiang Kezhou, he’s just a single man who’s trying to move on with his life.

It’s like he’s been demoted from CEO to assistant, and everyone still thinks he’s in charge.

It’s a little embarrassing.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Breakup Transition
Fēnshǒu guòdù qī
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10 Reviews

Feb 28, 2023
Status: Completed
Have to MTL the rest but I am quite fond of this MC. He's very clear-minded and is not move with emotion like most MC. He has his own self-respect and self-love to a point where he seems cold and indifferent to the ML.

On the MC: He came from a poor family and a father who owed a lot of debt and sold him into prostitutions. He lucked out when ML saw him and decided to purchase him from the debtors. ML made it really clear to MC in the... more>> beginning that MC is just a sex-s*ave to him and the terms run for a period of 5 years of which the MC is to sleep with ML whenever ML wants. Heck, ML even wrote in the terms that MC cannot ask for a kiss and should not kiss him. Guess what, ML ended up falling for the MC first, lol, and was forcing MC to kiss him but MC ignored him the whole time. MC understands his position as a sex-s*ave (term used was kept-lover but I think MC sees himself as a prostitute to ML) so he never takes any of the affection ML handed to him seriously. After 3 years, ML realizes how MC never care about him and got mad so he, influenced by anger, told MC he wanted to "break up" with MC of which MC just went "Okay" and proceed to live his life without ML. Of course, ML was just testing MC and got mad when MC took the break-up seriously. ML was even more mad when he found out that MC saw his s*x pictures with another kept-lover and did not care at all. ML had a few kept-lovers which ML provide resources for but only one was explicitly mentioned in the novel. I love how MC understands his position as a kept-lover and doesn't even questioned ML (his employer) about who he had s*x with. ML wanted MC to be jealous but MC just went, "?? Why should I be jealous?"

On the ML: He is not exactly a scum gong as he was rich and was used to living his life having a few kept-lovers on the side. As long as you open your legs for him, why don't dine since it's a free meal? That's the kind of person he is. He was pretty clear with MC in the beginning that MC is a bought kept-lover and must warm his bed for him whenever he wants so it doesn't considered cheating when he was sleeping with other kept-lovers while sleeping with MC too. There was a part in the novel which I like where after the MC was kidnapped and almost killed, ML saw MC bleeding and almost dying but MC did not give much thought to his own death which wakes the ML up. ML realized MC considered himself a spectator in life and no matter how entertaining something is, MC would just watch and leave -- that applied to his own life as well as ML; To MC, whether ML was in his life or not did not matter to the MC. After this part, ML was pretty desperate in showing his love to the MC since he realize MC can just leave him any day.

On the villain (Yan Jie) : Funny enough, I don't hate the villain in this story and felt that it would even be interesting to have him as an MC in a transmigration story, lol. He was the ML first kept-lover and stay with the ML for longer than the MC. He loves the ML but the ML never loves him. He started to hate the MC because he realized ML left him and started to feel disgust toward him after meeting the MC. He tried to find a substitute for the ML in hope of getting some kind of emotion out of the ML only to get an indifference attitude from the ML. <<less
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Apr 19, 2022
Status: Completed
A novel about ex-lovers who wants to start anew. There's misunderstanding of their past when they were still together.

I was so scared before I read this because of the title hahaha but it's actually not so angsty, I like this novel!

I've listened to the ED song of the audio drama and damn its sooooo nice ㅠ.ㅠ
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Oct 18, 2021
Status: c24
This is well written and translated. I still hope Jiang Kezhou (MC) and Ye Zheng (ML?) don't get back together. The MC needs an equal relationship with healthy boundaries. I kept reading even though I hated the ML and found that I dislike him a little less. However he is still a scumbag.

... more>>

MC was sold to a brothel and the ML 'rescued' him and had him sign a contract as a kept man. ML dumped him without warning only to get upset when MC accepted it and went on with life. ML got jealous when MC went out to drink with his colleagues after they broke up, but no one was surprised when the tabloids got pictures of ML sleeping with another man while they were still 'together.'


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Sep 20, 2023
Status: extra 2
3.5/5, rounded up to give benefit of doubt to the original novel

Considering the author, I had some expectations from this novel that weren't quite fulfilled. I think the biggest issue here is that reading this felt very confusing and awkward at times - but I think that's no fault of the author, but rather the translation that just reads like edited MTL. It seems like the kind of story where you need to read the details between lines but the translation doesn't really let you.

Most of the story is... more>> bittersweet with decent amount of pain, yet not too angsty. While I really could feel the MC's depression, his detachment from life and insecurity, there were also plenty heartwarming moments, though I think I really only felt their happiness in the last extra.

I'd say this story touches on the difficulty of transforming contract relationship into a true one and the trust issues and insecurities that come with, especially considering MC's heartbreaking circumstances at the beginning. His family is seriously tr*sh, wtf.

And about the ML and ?cheating?...

I also don't really consider it cheating because if I understood it correctly that person was his previous kept lover before MC (who was also just a kept lover then) and that's not really relationship where you could say he's cheating. After ML actually started developing some feelings (even though he had not realized it), he saw the other person less and less until he completely cut him out of his personal life.

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Jan 29, 2022
Status: Completed
I dont know abt this novel, whether it goes to a good novel, bad or half assed one.

I just couldnt understand the flow of the conflict. The conflict was presented in a clear sentences from the summary. But then, it didnt actually go like the summary told us. And in the middle of it, we were given a new conflict, as a medium for the couple to start over I guess. And it was solved in half written climax I think.

I can only say, MC did portray like someone with... more>> depression. <<less
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Sep 16, 2023
Status: c1
I was mad at first but then I gradually like the story. You can’t put all the blame on the ML, the MC also has a part in it. The best part of this story in a way is that revenge doesn’t happen right away. It takes time and eventually everyone gets the karma.

I’ve also read how many people don’t like ML cause he’s a “cheater”. In my opinion, he’s not. He has clearly stated what he had with MC was a contract relationship. They are not dating and if... more>> you read, it seems that after a while in their relationship, ML slowly cut off the time spent with the other guy.

Besides, MC himself has already awared of the other’s presence and he also knew about what he was getting into. So no, I don’t think ML is cheating, but I also don’t mean he’s a good person.

Yet don’t we all have our own flaw? It’s quite heartbreaking towards the end. I was hoping a bit more process for their relationship, but alas I’m glad it ends like that too.


I think I’m just bit sad the aunt and uncle didn’t get any ‘punishment’ and also that driver too (or maybe I kinda missed it).

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Sep 03, 2022
Status: Completed
I was just looking for a break-up novel and read it without much expectation but turns out it's actually a nice read!

I enjoy this so much, one of the reviewer said the audio drama is good so I listened it right away and now I cant stop replaying the song TvT
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Aug 05, 2022
Status: Completed
It was sweet but also bittersweet sometimes. I enjoyed this novel
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Jul 04, 2022
Status: Completed
The novel itself is quiet confusing. It jumps to another scene after the other. Things are resolved in an abrupt way without setting the foundation. Anyways, the novel is not bad but I don’t recommend reading the novel.

The forced relationship between MC and ML is a contract where it is like a s*x s*ave contract. It is due to the fact that MC has to bear the heavy debt of his good for nothing father and was sold to a broth*l where ML became his saviour.

ML is a playboy and... more>> MC is just one of his toy. Unfortunately, MC fell in love with him but not to the point that he can never live without ML. MC can automatically extricate himself from ML which is a good thing.

ML was never bad to MC and is actually a golden thigh for MC to hug. ML didn’t realize it himself that he loves MC, but when he tries to look into detail every little thing MC did for him he can’t help but get close to MC because of the warmth that MC is sincerely giving him.

After the tosses, follows their sweet life! It’s a happy ending! <<less
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Aug 12, 2022
Status: c11
I stop reading after chapter 11. Just cannot stand ML behaviour and attitude toward MC after breakup.

i mean u have breakup already albeit the "contract" involved. ML said to not wander around him after that, but here he goes, acting like jealous entitled angry man everywhere to question how MC "fooling around" with other people based on cannon fodder accusations. It's annoying to question MC whose "that" fling that had gossip with MC when MC tried to get the hell out of the argument with the cannon fodder intern dude. Plus, MC passive reaction and always calming down the ML without questioning him back make me give up this novel as I need MC with back bone ok!

Another thing, I know that ML is a playboy with many lovers around and MC is just one of many others. I dont know if there is any groveling involve by ML to reunite back with MC, but with how the attitude of ML after the breakup, I do not have any hope for that to happen.

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