The Top Courtesan Reincarnated as a Kitten in a Cat Café


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“This Ragdoll cat is so cute! Look at his pink little nose!”

I lazily opened my eyes and saw a cute little girl, about five or six years old, standing in front of the cat tree, reaching out her hand to pet me.

Ah, there were so many people who loved me this world, it’s really noisy.

I stood up, stretched lazily, and turned my back to her.

The little girl withdrew her hand, her voice rising in excitement, “Its blue eyes are so beautiful, like the starry sky!”

“Do you like it?” a man’s voice asked, “If you like it, I’ll ask the owner to buy it for you.”

“Thank you, brother!”

Buy me?

I’m worth a lot!

Back in the day, when Nanfeng Lou auctioned off my first night, it fetched an unprecedented five thousand taels of gold!

And the buyer was a prince.

How much are you worth that you dare to buy me?

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08/05/24 Crimson Translations part2
08/05/24 Crimson Translations part1
1 Review

Aug 06, 2024
Status: Completed
A sweet & straight forward story that can be finished in 20-40 minutes. There is a hint of angst regarding the MC's past life but overall a fluffy read.

Although this was a short story, it still felt complete. I like that the MC talks a bit about his past life compared to his current life. The ML is also very indulgent and pampering towards the MC. This might be a con for some people but the story never really explains how the MC became a cat (but I didn't minus... more>> any stars because I just thought of it as part of the story settings). However,

the MC does make a comment about wanting to be a cat in his next life which could allude to why it happened


The translation is also well-done and I had no issues reading this story.

I'd recommend reading this short story if you're looking for a sweet & quick read that includes pampering (+1 recommend if you like cats as well).

About the reincarnation tag

both the MC & ML are reincarnated


About the MC being a cat

if you are wondering whether he will transform into a human then the answer is yes

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