The Three Kingdoms: Lecturing in Prison, I Teach Cao Cao How to Become a Treacherous Hero


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Chen Zhou time-traveled to the Three Kingdoms era and became a condemned prisoner on death row. Powerless to change his fate, he simply gave up trying and started casually bragging with his fellow inmates.

Using knowledge and insights more than a thousand years ahead of the Three Kingdoms period, he not only impressed everyone in the prison but also won over Cao Ang, the son of Cao Cao, who had come to the prison on a rescue mission.

As a result, things spiraled out of control.

Cao Ang: “Is it true that my father didn’t slaughter Xuzhou to avenge me?” Dian Wei: “Why does the teacher say that I won’t survive for more than two years?” Xun Yu: “Sir, is the Three-Hundred-Year Dynasty Rule true?” Cao Cao: “In times of peace, a capable minister; in times of chaos, a treacherous hero. Please, teach me how to be a treacherous hero!”

Chen Zhou: “I’m scheduled for execution tomorrow. When you have time, I’ll continue lecturing in your dreams!”

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