The Swordmaster Wants to Fall in Love


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I want a lover.

So I slashed the sky.

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Velco rated it
October 22, 2024
Status: --
I might as well explain that my reason for rating this 1 star is cause I read an mtl form of this so I read some but the main reason I hate this is mainly the main character.

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For one the main character is just a machine that is just thinking "I want a girlfriend" that is cool and all but the problem is that this type of novel goal is to make that hard to do since the guy wants pretty women and moves cities before he can see people's feelings. That would be all and good but just know he has a childhood friend that he left that you know, loved him. There is also later in the story where she tells him her feelings and he says the rudest thing I read so I will say how I recall it "I am happy for your feelings and I will accept... but first I want to try to find hotter women and if I can't I will come back". All in all, the MC of this story is the thing I hate the most.

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