The Struggles of the #1 Rank


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Eun-young, who once thrived in an elite squad, suffers a crushing defeat in a battle against the 999th-floor boss. Suddenly, she finds herself trapped in the body of Seo Joo-ah, an E-rank hunter. More specifically, she ends up in the body of Joo-ah, who, despite her low-level, has high connections and has managed to parachute into a top-tier team.

“I don’t want more people joining our team.”

“Oh, too bad? No one here actually wants you around.”

What a fall from grace for the once-celebrated Rank 1. She resolves to reclaim her body as soon as possible… but the more time passes, the more people keep bothering her!

[The Anonymous Constellation vents, saying our girl doesn’t care about him at all.]

The constellation who took it upon himself to contract her constantly nags at her, whenever he pleases.

“If I asked you to stay on our team, would you consider it?”

“Just say you want me. I’ll even be your doormat if that’s what you need.”

“I hate seeing you laughing and chatting with other team members. Come back to our team.”

Both her former and current teams can’t seem to let her go.

[Congratulations! You have unlocked a hidden skill by unleashing potential in a dangerous situation!]

[As an achievement of this hidden skill, your level rises from E-rank to D-rank.]

[All stats increase with the level change.]

[Your ranking has gone from ‘Unranked’ to ‘998th.’]

But what now? All she wants is to level up and take down the boss who put her in this mess.

Once the top-ranking hunter, now a low-tier newbie, Eun-young is determined to discover the identity of the boss and return to her original body. Can she succeed?

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랭킹 1위의 쪼렙 고군분투기
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