The Sobbing Clerk I Helped From the Convenience Store’s Robbery Is in Fact a Naive and Cute Gal From My Class


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The protagonist becomes desperate after being dumped by his childhood friend. He heads for the mountains in search of a place to kill himself. He enters a convenience store he passes and rescues a clerk who is being robbed. The clerk revealing herself to be an earnest gal in his class.

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Konbini gōtō kara tasuketa jimi ten'in ga, onaji kurasu no ubude kawaii gyarudatta
No One Cared About Me, But She Has. I Met Her At A Convenience Store, Then She Makes My Every Day More Fun
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Konbini Goto Kara Tasuketa Jimi Tenin ga, Onaji Kurasu no Ubude Kawaii Gyarudatta (Light Novel)
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3 Reviews sorted by

DMR rated it
February 19, 2022
Status: c20
It's kinda cute and done a bit well. I do find it disappointing that it's a love triangle and misunderstanding based drama, but you do kinda feel for the characters.

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The childhood friend basically rejected him because she was so used to her feelings that she didn't realize she liked him until he was with another girl. But she actually is willing to support his happiness and doesn't want to get in his way.

And when she realizes her mistake, she not only instantly apologizes, but she quickly tries to fix her mistake and is willing to accept the consequences of her own actions, which is actually a very good trait to have and not enough characters in these stories have that trait.

The gal on the other hand is a good girl too who really does have good chemistry with the MC, so you also want to root for her.


Frankly, the weak point of these love triangles is that normally, either 1 girl is too obvious for victory or you just want both to win. And this story has BOTH flaws. Both girls are good girls and do deserve the MC, but the gal is the one in the title. Honestly, if it weren't for me not really being a fan of love triangles or harem series where the MC needs to pick, I'd continue this. But I hate feeling sorry for a character but also feel wrong when they get with someone else. <<less
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GreenRiver rated it
May 4, 2022
Status: c40
An emotionally weak, traumatized MC, confesses his love to the only person he still has any emotional connection to.

I didn't think there was anything worse than being told "you're like a brother to me", but "I don't see you as a member of the opposite s*x"!?!? Go to hell "childhood friend"! The worse part is...

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she's actually in love with him, she's just too s*upid to realize it until she sees him with another girl.

It sounds like their surroundings (classmates, parents, etc.) knew they were in love with each other, the MC knew, she's the only one that didn't!


There's actually a lot of background trauma in this story. In the first chapter or two he explains that his family (parents and little sister) died in a car crash. The car missed him because he had stopped to tie his shoes, but he saw everything. So he's emotionally weak, but you know what, I would be too.

The only thing I don't like about this story is that the author stopped posting new chapters on Kakuyomu in December of 2020. I really liked this story, but I think he wrote himself into a corner. <<less
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Sinner Angel
Sinner Angel
December 2, 2022
Status: c49
Started reading it with a light (and even fluffy) feeling (since I kinda enjoy reading traumatized MCs getting patched up and finding happiness, or an equilibrium at least) , but the novel' second part becomes heavy, too heavy in fact,

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He suddenly found that his newly obtained gf (minutes ago) overwrote her memories to forget a trauma, and said trauma comes from her parents committing sui*cide out of guilt after running over the MC's family with their car, and after some ups and downs, he simply chose to close himself from everything and decided that the correct way to live was to be baby'ed/guided/dominated by his childhood friend, whom he almost forced to accept becoming his new gf


So you better don't step in if you can't endure it


I understand that he is in a critical phase right now, but I couldn't stand the MC using the childhood friend's feelings to tie her into living as if she were almost his mother


(I binge read it btw, but I stopped since I knew that the actual problem won't get solved by the time I reach the c52, so I'll probably wait until the end to do another binge reading, and maybe I'll do an edit to this commentary) <<less
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