The Shape of Happiness: A Family Crumbling Due to the Mother’s Infidelity, a Wounded Middle School Daughter, and a Struggling Father Finding a New Form of Happiness


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In a quiet suburban town, a family that once seemed perfect is falling apart.

The mother’s secret affair shakes the foundation of their home, leaving everyone hurt and confused.

The middle school daughter, burdened by her own struggles, feels the weight of her mother’s betrayal.

The father, heartbroken yet determined, tries to pick up the pieces.

As their world crumbles, each of them searches for meaning, hope, and a new way to move forward.

Amid the pain, they slowly begin to discover that happiness can take on a different shape—a form they never expected.

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シアワセノカタチ ~母親の不倫によって崩壊していく家族、傷ついた中学生の娘と苦悩する父親が新しい幸せの形を見出すまで~
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