The Seemingly Weak Skill, [Bubble]. Bursting, Expanding, Contracting, Tension, Proliferation, Floating… Huh? Is the Enhanced Bubble the Strongest?


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Ausel, an orphan, awakens a skill through a ritual—one that turns out to be a weak and hopeless [Bubble] skill.

Called talentless by the nobles, Ausel is expelled from the academy and begins working as a cleaner at the Adventurers’ Guild headquarters.

Satisfied to have found stable employment, Ausel gives up on dreaming and expects a life of mediocrity.

However, one day, a chance encounter with the nation’s strongest swordsman leads to the opening of a path to becoming an adventurer.

Through battles with monsters, the various hidden properties of the [Bubble] skill are revealed, and as Ausel’s mastery of the skill grows, its exceptional potential comes to the forefront.

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