The Secrets of Lives


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The extraordinary Trần Hùng Lân, a humble pork seller who rises to unimaginable heights within the ranks of a state-owned enterprise, only to fall spectacularly from grace. Lân’s journey begins in the bustling marketplace, where his silver tongue and fishing skills earn him a fortuitous connection with a high-ranking government officer. Seizing the opportunity, Lân maneuvers his way into a government position, ultimately becoming the CEO of a state enterprise.

However, beneath the veneer of success, Lân orchestrates a massive embezzlement scheme, siphoning resources for personal gain. His greed and corruption go unchecked for a time, but his downfall is inevitable. The novel delves into the complexities of Lân’s rise and fall, as his web of deceit unravels, leading him to face justice behind bars.

A story of ambition, corruption, and the price of power, “The Secrets of Lives” offers a haunting reflection on the dangers of unchecked greed and the fragility of success.

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