The Secret Behind the Viel


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Waking up and find a man beside her?! His features were picturesque, looking helpless leaning against the headboard.

“So you’re an irresponsible woman.”

She coldly eyed the man feigning innocence and gave him a kick. He was the CEO of a multinational corporation, with a prominent status…

She was a saint in the medical field, a miracle worker…

Bound for life unexpectedly, married, with a marriage certificate, to her just a mere contract.

“Who dares touch my child, try me?” Faced with an international court ruling, Morning Glory decisively left the man.

When Shan Yi Ming finally caught his runaway wife, she gave him the cold shoulder, snorting. “I’ll give you two choices, either come with me, or”

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On the wedding night, the sinister beauty's pregnant belly could no longer be hidden
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