The Royal Guard Loves the Princess in His Heart Today


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Charlotte, the second princess of a certain kingdom, has a secret she can’t tell anyone. She can hear the voices in people’s minds.

Because of her peculiar constitution, Charlotte has avoided contact with people as much as possible, but she is still a member of the royal family. She is constantly guarded by the Royal Guard.

Charlotte avoids public appearances and spends most of her time in her room, and it seems that her guard is a lottery for the Royal Guard. One day, Charlotte couldn’t believe her ears when she heard the voice of a newly assigned Royal Guard.

[Aaah! How cute! What an angel! I love this place! She’s so cute!! I’m going bald!]

When Cain, a member of the Royal Guard, lets his thoughts spill out today, he doesn’t know that Charlotte is listening.

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Kineihei wa Kyou mo Oujo wo Kokoro no Naka de Medemakuru
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6 Reviews

3 0 e x p
3 0 e x p
Feb 26, 2022
Status: Completed
All right ill review this.

This one is good well based on my experience it made my day good and probably will make yours good to.

But keep in mind people has their own preferences and opinions regarding this.

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so the whole story revolves around cain an royal Guard and the princess Charlotte if you've read the description you'll know our princess here has the ability to know everything people near her thinks. So our hero sir cain here always thinks of our princess "cute" in which as mentioned above the princess could hear everything and the whole story is basically their little adventure its fairly short and it basically played out like an good old romance story with a happy ending, well I suppose I should spoil the person whoever read this lone review about the ending keep in mind its your fault you read an review that had a spoiler. Okay so the ending plays out like this our princess over here has an upcoming coming of age ceremony in which since she don't have an fiance in which she should ask here father to be an escort but since its basically obvious that the princess is in love with the Guard she asked her father she wants cain to be her escort which would automatically make cain her fiance and so the royal family sent a royal letter to the zweiss family (they are nobles) about making cain an escort since cain is effectively in love with the princess automatically make him happy and when the coming of age ceremony has arrived as you have guessed cain escorted princess charlotte and thus ending the story about them


Well don't read the spoilers if you don't want to be spoiled and its very good if you like the romance genre, personally I liked it but not loved it it was a great experience I had a blast. Keep in mind if you've read the spoiler read the thing cause I basically gave the very short version trust me reading the whole thing is worthwhile and probably make you smile few times.

Thus ending this review have a g'day <<less
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Apr 09, 2022
Status: Completed
It's a 3 verging on being a 2.

This story is what the term saccharine was invented for. It's cloying sweet without any other flavor to provide contrast or spice. The ending was something of a surprise because it was so dull it's hard to imagine that the author would bother to write the story, with that being it.

It could have been better. If the ML was a bit funnier, if the FL wasn't as interesting as watching paint dry (and with her constitution she should have been). But it just... more>> wasn't there.

The story goes from start to finish in an uninteresting manner. <<less
3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Apr 04, 2022
Status: c8
"It's a good story..."

It was enjoyable

The main characters, theme, plot are good too but can be made better

It can be more interesting with a little touch up here and there

Thank you for writing such a good story author!
1 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 07, 2022
Status: Completed

The premise of the story is the royal guard not knowing that the princess can read his thoughts. This is all well and good, but for 8 entire chapters that's literally it. It's just the royal guard gushing about his princess. There's no real progression beyond that. After 3 entire chapters of it, it gets old really fast
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Apr 16, 2022
Status: Completed
This story is so cute and sweet. The plot is predictable but overall it's still enjoyable to pass the time since it's only 8 chapters.
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Mar 27, 2022
Status: Completed
A short, sweet, and fluffy novel. It'll probably take you 20 minutes to read it, so give it a go! The plot is generally well structured, the romance is cute, and the translation quality is good.
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