The Rise of Rurik


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The story follows the journey of a young man who transcends from a tribal youth to the leader of his tribe, and eventually becomes a prince in Novgorod.

Step by step, he navigates through the forests, grasslands, and myriad rivers of Eastern Europe, dispelling ignorance and establishing civilization.

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Recommendation Lists
  1. Reincarnation in the past

Latest Release

Date Group Release
12/19/23 DarkStar Translations c13
12/11/23 DarkStar Translations c12
12/11/23 DarkStar Translations c11
12/11/23 DarkStar Translations c10
12/11/23 DarkStar Translations c9
12/11/23 DarkStar Translations c8
12/11/23 DarkStar Translations c7
12/11/23 DarkStar Translations c6
12/12/23 DarkStar Translations c5
12/11/23 DarkStar Translations c4
12/11/23 DarkStar Translations c3
12/11/23 DarkStar Translations c2
12/11/23 DarkStar Translations c1
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