The Ring That Defies The Heavens


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A heaven-defying ring that allows objects to be brought back from games into reality!

Before ‘Dawn’ was released, it already obtained the status as the ‘second earth’. Jiang Fei, a young teen who loves games came into the world and quickly rose up in power, status and fame. With his unmatched skills, he decimated all foes that oppose him. However, such rise would attract the attention of many, even as he tried to play everything off as low-key, something just don’t work out as plan…

“If trying to keep myself away from the spotlight no longer works, then come! Let the world know of my existence!” – Jiang Fei

Associated Names
One entry per line
MMORPG: The Almighty Ring
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Everything I've Read (PART 1)
  2. Novels: Virtual reality / MMORPG
  3. Interesting Cheat Novels

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24 Reviews sorted by

BobTheBuilder18 rated it
February 28, 2019
Status: v1c10
Self-masturbatory novel. Good concept, terrible execution.

"With his unmatched skills, he decimated all foes that oppose him." What unmatched skills? Dude just has unfair advantage over the rest, both in the game and the world.

"However, such rise would attract the attention of many, even as he tried to play everything off as low-key, something just don't work out as plan... " Low key? Right because suddenly becoming the best basketball player in his school and defeating the best team is low key, and this is just up to chapter 10, who... more>> knows what other "low key" events await in the 3000+ chapters that I didn't bother to read. <<less
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null rated it
April 7, 2019
Status: c130
Author write very patriotic and RACIST story. I can overlook a normal face slapping story but what author did are just beyond limit. Author put note saying another nation speech too complicated to write and tell reader to read it as duck quacking instead.

MC are imbecile beta male in ultra plot armored wish fulfilment story.
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ResidentialPsycho rated it
March 1, 2019
Status: c10
Kudos to the translation team for being able to focus long enough on translating such a poorly written novel. As far as translation issues go, the only odd thing I've noticed is that "Orc" might be "Beastman" in the beginning, but the author doesn't give us any information to clarify it.

The story is so badly written, it's easier to read it as a satire, but it's still really bad. The MC has no depth whatsoever and is like a kid with ADHD who has no goals or biological needs or... more>> anything. He's overpowered in only the first few chapters. Plot holes are everywhere, even just in the first ten chapters. There are barely an explanations about anything that's going on. There are many moments which will leave you wondering what exactly the creator of this series was thinking.

Although there is a game setting, very few details and descriptions are given about it. The dialogue with NPCs is absent. There is no action or adventure described. The story just says the MC does things or kills something. If you are here because you like action, adventure, gaming, or comedy series, this is definitely not for you.

I don't know what strong points this series has, but I don't have the patience to try reading it any longer. <<less
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DarkPresent rated it
March 10, 2019
Status: c59
I love VR MMORPG novels but even then this is just too much for me. Game design does not make any sense- it would loose all players few days after release, plot holes everywhere and worse of all protagonist have everything handed to him without ANY hard work or actual talent/skill. He just becomes op entirely due to plot armor. In other novels I tried at least there was something that MC was doing differently than other characters, he was either having different approach to quests and tried to befriend... more>> NPCs, was working harder than other players, had some original ideas to use his skills differently etc. Here we have nothing, MC is strongest player ever coz author said so, no other reason. <<less
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novaes rated it
February 27, 2019
Status: c24
I expected it to be good based upon the ratings but it's really just another one of those weird self-insert gary-stu VRMMO novels written by what appears to be a 14yo boy who loves World of Warcraft, but wishes he was good at sport and popular with girls. You really don't have to read the rest of the review, that is everything important.... more>>

Oh well, you asked for it. There's a cringe inducing, overly long game of basketball early to display the whole "game items to IRL" thing that makes no sense and I felt like dying while reading it. You have been warned!

Story so far: MC wants to to be a cool MMO baller but his dad (literally) won't let him, so he finds a ring lying around and what do you know? He can play the game now... somehow. So things aren't explained well, neither in real life nor the game and the MC's personality is total dogsh*t and pretty much what you'd expect from a s*upid teenage boy with an undeserved sense of self-worth who almost constantly yells s*upid things out loud.

He meets many cute girls, gets everything delivered to him without much effort and sort of struts around being a jackass. The game's rules also suck, btw

like supposedly being in prison for 3 whole days if you get arrested by NPCs. 72 actual hours of prison? Author please, I hope that's not true.

and there are a bunch of room temperature IQ bad guys pecking around who really give off no sense of danger because you just know they all exist as cannon fodder for the MC. So just read this for brainless self-insert and not for the engaging story. <<less
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gemberforces rated it
December 3, 2019
Status: --
Everytime I saw a racist chinese novels, I had an urge to give them a 1/5 rating, I really do... And this novel isn't an exception.

However, the premise was quite great: a ring that able to made an in game items to materialized in real world.

Sadly we were offered with a low grade MC, along with lowly plot that made chinese in position of 'holier than thou' compared to other countries, especially japanese whose reputation was smeared as if they deserved to be 'holy chinese's s*aves'.

At that point I give... more>> a double middle finger toward MC and this novel's author.

I'm quite merciful though, especially since the ring's attitude always made me LoL everytime it gave trouble to MC. Thus, 2/5 rating.

Be grateful you racist author.

In this novel, I only see the ring as the true MC.

Original MC can die for all I care. <<less
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a7davidz rated it
August 6, 2017
Status: c1435
um I give it a 4 star,

i at first gave it a 3.5 star, but read spoiler 1435 & you know why I gave it a 4 for improvement of why I say it 4 star now,

Reason is,

Spoiler so I keep out some information,

... more>>

The author pulling the novel as long as it gets, in a awkward way, I understand the fact the author adding information to the story & plots, but

MC native, stubborn, kind, hot blooded,

no common sense like brain leaking of water,

this is like saying a super native high schooler who don't know how the world works,

(I feel like banging my head into the wall for what he does in some parts of story, like described below,

He native & hot blooded - when he get potion made by system - he saves Han Tian Yu a rich kid who drives a Lamborghini & crash into concrete & nearly dying, rich kids trying to become his friend & also in business way & get him military contract, military tells him to sell them some, he later say him master has some, to earn money he say low price supply to sell to military, due to military say it to save country of their soldiers going oversea & etc, (My opinion is are you s*upid, what if they find out about your ring, will you keep your family safe, what bluff of so called master, ok I understand that part of system will help you upgrade to supernatural, but what about a bunch of supply, why the heck you selling it cheap as hell, you know a bottle of potion that can save your life of incurable - rich will pay you millions just to get 1 bottle, why he heck would you sacrifice yourself of your secrets to help, what if they take control of it, you be wiped out,

He native & kind due to he military creating robots to threaten you & the association of supernatural kinds like you, & even plotted against you, he not only not destroy or take over the alien technology but leaves to a volcanic island, (I like come on they threat you, you not only not destroying their technology when they up to level 4 supernatural robots, I was kinda pissed due to if this was another novel of a decisive MC = first MC will either steal the alien equipments & kill those who a threat to their family or threat to him, instead of willingly leaving them to develop more,

He native & stubborn is - level 5 supernatural tell him to help him keep 7 days, & he be thankful to him, he stubbornly keeps his promise, results in chase due to if they eat this egg they reach level 5 supernatural, he and his lovers fight just to let him hatch, system tells warns him it be extremely dangerous & tells him to sacrifice it so MC can get more cyborg human like level 5 supernatural, but repeatedly refused, he even go to Antarctica to hatch it due to it energy cover half the globe, later other level 5 supernatural chasing them led to injury & nearly died for all, eventually to cure to save Isabella he sacrifice egg, & even think him being not able to keep his promise & feeling bad for himself, (My opinion is are you idiot MC, you don't even know this guy & why should you keep that promise to unknown, if he saved, what happens, will he kill you in your injured state,

He Native - he tells Han Tian Yu his secret after thinking he trust him of the ring of storage ring & learning alien language, he left out the system, even tell him he doesn't have secret master (i like are you s*upid, even thou you trust him if sells you out you are dead, & even if you can escape will your family,

Bur overall I say is sometimes you think he going to change & become less& less native & kind, but his emotion mostly drop back to the starting point again



The story mainly about him recovery alien stuff for the system, & it half virtural game & half supernatural in real world of mc


2nd post of till 1435,


As past I posted above finally MC changes from his native to a person if you don't proke me I won't either, but if you do I get rid of u, also MC under some black evil substance after battling & killing an alien with 3 eyes, = a more personaility change of sometimes MC not remmebering why he was so agrresive to enemies or stuff he used to ignore of others, it also states in story it prob have female attracting effect, but who know since it just MC theory until MC finds out,

So read at peace now not worrying of MC being too kind, since this author made MC mature later than other novel MC,

And as of now aliens of the universe,

Hints are starting to show of parallel world or higher world, hints virtual world game starting to show, but it just a bunch of mystery for me too since I only up this part,

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I am Alive Bultar
I am Alive Bultar
April 24, 2020
Status: c1193
I really enjoyed this novel at first but there is a few problems. One, the MC doesn’t grow at all, he’s a big moron that never thinks ahead. Two, the MC got everything, the best of the best without any stuggling. There is too much plot armor, so no suspens at all. Three, some passage are racist. I drop it because i’ll probably be to angry to read anymore
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Jejebilly rated it
October 13, 2020
Status: c131
*Sign* I dont recommend reading this sh*t I dont feel like reading a novel more like a letter full of sh*t I dont know but all of us have different view to the other country but this is too much saying that Japanese people is inhuman Just because of that Dance battle or did you forgot who started that meet up thingy a chinese guy who is greedy and want some quick change anyway about the MC he just wore a f*cking magical boots even if your faster than the... more>> flash you cant still dribble without a problem first you just wore that boots the same day you play basketball eventhouht you know how to dribble a little dont forget he is a neet not some basketball expert. Ok im tired thinking what to type thats all sorry for my poor grammar not use to english.. <<less
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Somedude131 rated it
March 9, 2020
Status: c1055
I’m sorry I really enjoyed this but the mic doesn’t grow at all he’s a moron that never thinks ahead and all obvious signs he can’t see the ai has to tell him everything but there are rules and one part the ai helps him violating the rules with such a obvious hint and he just is so s*upid that he can’t figure anything out it was interesting at the start I slugged through 1055 chapters dropping and picking it up again multiple times

if you want to read this shut... more>> off half your brain or you’ll probably be to angry to read anymore <<less
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September 11, 2019
Status: --
Its so funny when the Author make JAPAN and AMERICAN became the bad guy.. Ahhaha.. I see to much overproud "China Numba 1"

Its like the same thing that the Author of novel "PMG2" does, in PMG 2 last arc (Earth arc) he makes Japanese and American people became a bad guy.

when I said bad guy, it means the worst of the worst. But nvm it is Chinese Novel.

... more>> but no thanks.. I'm out.

I'm not American or Japanese person, but I feel like this novel is too much Patriotism of China. To the point of Racist. <<less
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samspd71 rated it
July 24, 2019
Status: c10
1/5 - F Tier - Good premise, disappointing execution

First, the elephant in the room, the translation and quality of the first few chapters (1-4) are terrible. They look as if something akin to a machine translation having been polished. However, a more pressing issue is the broken layout of chapter 1 and 2--I recommend either chugging through them, skimming them, or reading them elsewhere.

The writing leaves much to be desired. The best way I could describe it is that it almost has a voice shouting 'I'm Cool!' while being as... more>> lame as it could possibly be. Dialogues are written like a thirty-year-old debating how teenagers talk and deciding on 'Hey fellow kids!' while throwing up two peace signs. Don't get me started on descriptions, those are basically nonexistent. Furthermore, it has cheesy lines and edgy taunts galore.

Characters? What characters? You mean gimmick one and two of the day? Yeah, those are about as much personality as you're gonna get. The MC himself is already basic as it is, trying his best not to flip flop from one too many templates of personality types, being both a moronic sissy and an 'I'm super tough and cold!' badass at the same time, so don't strain the story by wishing for strong characters--that's just not gonna happen, sorry.

A main plot? Hmm, good question.

There are two extremely good things about this story: (1) It fulfills itself well as a power fantasy and (2) It can be easily binged. I don't know if it is the writing style or something else but it's perfect for bingeing. Even I couldn't help but binge it before I noticed...

My rating is not based on the quality of enjoyment one could gain by reading it, merely a subjective assessment of its standing as a story. <<less
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Trogrod rated it
May 9, 2020
Status: c80
Writing is quite bad but that does not usually stop me from reading a good story. What does however, is a combination of terrible plot, non-existing character development, written by a racist and mysoginist author that probably never left his country or ever respected a woman.

The initial idea was promissing but do not get stuck in it for too long...
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Misib rated it
July 18, 2019
Status: c1204
Ok... Lets see this history is a mix of a bunch things.. alliens/robots/artificial souls/xianxia/mutants/monsters/mmorpg... So u ask is properly done? The answer is no.... At first this one is a story about common boy who changes his fate and start to learn how to fate... The jumps... In danger are not properly done.. At first author cares more about his school. Life and girls on the game... Then out nowhere he pulls a japanese guy who HAS to kill MC... Then it easily escalates. Its japan (crazy guys on this... more>> novel) vs the world then after japs sells their wifes and sister for food and it goes on china vs usa.... They make usa people look like bastards..... And idiots... (the worst people on this novel are chinese people but since they are chinese... No problem


his ai tell him to get a women or kill her... He HAS to do it... And how? A.i bro tell him he has to try to get women so he can find her... Guess what? He decide to exclude THAT one... And it goes worse everytime she is be his side he ignores her... Until now.. After he found the sh*t he is done.. He still dont try to get her


MC can make things out nowhere (its forgotten a little bit later)

also author makes the game element 100% pointless later

MC goes from being passive to a total moron....

Also the main antagonist is played with author forcing the bar.... Since his A.I tell him what to do he igores until the end so he can force the plot to go where he wanta so it makes u mad like MC is braindead he knows... He is doing wrong... And is being tricked... But he never stop... This part is a big big stain... Ofc there is a part called mmorpg but the rpg... Is even important in the story u can skip ALL mmo content... And u wont lose 1 bit of the story <<less
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Riley88 rated it
July 21, 2022
Status: c130
Originally I found this without even looking at the NU page and was excited because the idea seemed promising. However, just as the plot was staying good the author decides to bring in the random Japanese racism about 100 chapters in, even going so far as to completely skip Japanese character dialogue and just does this: ... more>>

"'Blah blah blah... ' (Author's Note: Japanese is too complicated, I'm not going to write it out. Everyone, just treat it as if there's a duck quacking...)."

To some this could be lazy writing, and honestly I'd do the same if it were just some idiotic character, but I'd do it due to overall demeanor and not just because they're japanese. Now, if you want to disregard the racism then the story is still pretty good, but I'm going to drop it unless I have literally nothing else to read. <<less
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lxghostxl rated it
May 8, 2021
Status: --
Novel is good, character growth is not fast but enough to understand the process. Most people here talks about author being racist but I don't think so. The world problem is something that could happen if you look at our real life history. Author wrote it on his own view for his own people which is backed up by history and of course Japanese and white people wouldn't understand that and will only look at the novel with their hate and ignorance. This novel is well written and it's about... more>> a BOY'S perspectives so do not expect a fully grown man with high logic from a boy who is slowly but surely learning the deception from people who wants to force you to submit to their rules. He followed his heart, made mistakes, learned from it and decided to protect his own people from the greed of this world. Read this novel if you are not perfectionist and know how to be a real human being, unlike the ignorant people who judged this novel because they cannot accept that this is more close to reality than just a book. Americans would think Japan will never betray them after they bomb them and now calling Chinese racist because of their past history was used as a base building block for the war that happened in the novel so they will talk like they have the authority to dictate other people's moral compas. <<less
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Yuzu rated it
January 17, 2020
Status: c400
Dropped. I tried to ignore majority of the real-world aspects in the novel but...

... more>>

once we got into aliens and sci-fi


I just couldn't. The nationalism/patriotism/racism just tires me out mentally.

The novel had the game world setting and content at a satisfactory level but as the story progressed it was just stressful skipping content b.c it was racism/nationalism maxed with illogical cultivation standards. Chances are if this novel focused more on making a quick buck off in-game items in the real world and balancing a gaming career, it would probably leave a better taste in my mouth. <<less
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ferooxidan rated it
March 20, 2024
Status: c1538
The crispiest crisp of a fast junk food of a novel there is. The author is just looking at word count instead of building a solid story.

I never review a novel until I completed the read, I make an exception for this one. This one is so bad that I can't remember how many times I wanted to nagg in a review but keep holding on to read this junk food. Alas, I don't have anymore strength.

As a lot of people mentioned, the MC is ret*rd and his brain is... more>> leaking, super emotional instead of thinking logically. That is not the MC problem, that is the author problem! This author is so inconsistent that he change the MC from a smart logical person into easily raging MC who spew profanity at a moment notice whenever someone poke him.

At first, when he just found the ring and then found out the ring power, he was all smart and was like "I should not tell anyone, even my family about this or else I'm in trouble". Then he flaunt everything by not laying low as how he intended. This MC is also has a very low EQ and the author repeated too much of the same trope with the same character, Akatrisz something, using the low EQ of the MC. It feels like it's forced.

Ok the ring is not all that great, it's actually just an extinct alien civilation artifact which is not even the top in the universe. Then what is the point of the damn title of the novel?!! The ring significant is not even a third of the novel!

Ok, set the ring aside and proceed to the story, when the MC left the Earth, I thought it would be a start of something good because the MMO game Dawn Break is non sensical anymore at that point and the battle in the real world on Earth also become non sensical with how the author left it. There was no conclusion as soon as that Akatrisz something shows up.

So then we proceed to space, start training from the beginning, somehow MC shows special talent, the direction is good: training, getting stronger, explore space. But NO! The author only repeat the same trope and still with the same seemingly undying Akatrisz something. Then plot armor after plot armor, he is strong enough to stroll around space and can run sidewalk anywhere he goes.

Then turn out his universe is just a "game" and he is one of the NPC. What a bullshit.

My advice, skim through it if you are an OCD that "must" complete a novel you already started to read. More than 3000 chapters could be a hassle to complete. Skim skim skim! <<less
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November 27, 2023
Status: Completed
To summarize the story has 2 major arcs. The first is the story of the MC within earth and the second is of him in outer space. The first part of the story contains racism and falls off towards the end.

it was discovered that all the ai betrayed him other than the first one as he was a temporary captain and his second pet turned out to be the old captain who they had to obey

tldr it's a worth while read if you continue reading on to the second arc of the story.
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promet rated it
December 21, 2022
Status: c154
2/5 as far as I read. Silly and childish.

The novel may be better than that, but I'm not impressed, and I don't feel like it'll get better enough for me to invest time into it to verify it. Also, I don't really like VR genre (I gave it a try, expecting the game to play less of a role, but most of the chapters are in-game, and the reality content only slowly increases with time), so I only skimmed and later just skipped in-game chapters because they were rather boring.

So,... more>> I'll be brief (compared to usual, lol).

The protagonist is naive, immature, has some issues with common sense and his brain, and is a wimp, and would be a wimp if not for his cheat that allows him to grow IRL. Not outright unlikable, but without any charisma whatsoever and not someone you would want to be the main character of a story you immerse yourself in.

The other characters aren't much better. Many of them are silly or unlikable. They're pretty shallow too. I failed to come to like any single one.

The plot and setting, well, are nothing impressive, but they were barely explored by 150th chapter, so it's too early to pass any judgment on them. I only want to remark that the "patriotic" side of the novel is pathetic. More on that in the spoiler.


The protagonist sells something simply invaluable for dirt cheap, easily falling for some patriotic talk of some general. It's funny how there is some frontline when the action clearly takes place in 2010s or so and the only conflicts PRC got into since year 2000 were minor border skirmishes with India, which wasn't even mentioned here (those CN novels always act as though PLA is glorious and fights bravely but the PRC is not at war with anyone... and neither do those novels even specify those mysterious enemies most of the time lol).

Also, how can we have modern Chinese patriotism without heavy anti-Japanese sentiment? After all, the communist party IRL gladly supports it, and those idiot authors (many of them) happily buy it and parrot that shiet. It's honestly pathetic and distasteful. Sure, Imperial Japan did commit unspeakable, horrible war crimes in 1930s and 1940s, ones that don't fall far behind Germany's from the same period, but the regime founded by Mao doesn't have any moral standing, either.


So overall, do give it a try if you like VR novels with a reality component and MC becoming strong IRL, but I advise you keep your expectations low. <<less
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