The Reincarnation Chronicles of a Demon


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The crown prince, Jaibid, who was a demon in his past life, struggles to understand emotions. In an attempt to test his feelings, he cruelly dismisses his beloved attendant. Five years later, the dismissed attendant, Zetak, returns, twisted by a desire for revenge after merging with a demon. Jaibid receives a vision of being brutally killed by Zetak.

To persuade Zetak to abandon his revenge, Jaibid attempts to seduce him. However, his actions, lacking any emotional understanding, come off as bizarre and incomprehensible. Meanwhile, Zetak, consumed by vengeance, is left confused by Jaibid’s behavior.

As they spend time together, Jaibid gradually begins to understand emotions, marking the true beginning of his journey as a reincarnated human.

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마물의 환생기록
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