The Reincarnated Martial God Brings Down the Heavens


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They, who took everything from me, call themselves the heavens?
Then watch me split the goddamn heavens in two.

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Visser rated it
July 23, 2024
Status: c1
So its the typically written well or at least translated well edgy bullsh*t super negative korean story.

MC is the strongest soldier general ever, spends his entire life fighting for the empire and wins all the wars. He returns home and for his celebration party the emperor kills him and all his loyal soldiers as a thanks for winning the wars... yeah first strike.

We are then introduced to some power system that the MC had been poisoned by a loyal friend so he cant use his powers during his death scene.... more>> He uses his super powers anyways and might have killed the emperor?

Time skip time, MC is suddenly in the body of a 14 year old prince of the empire he helped create. He is the bastard son of a concubine sent to a region to rule/die. Scratch that I'm a shitty author, not good enough. The MC is now in the body of a girl looking guy who has been kidnapped by bandits and sold to a noble cause reasons.

Skipping the second strike and going directly to f*ck these s*upid f*cking edgy negative garbage korean bullshit. I'm out.

I honestly hope no one on this f*cking planet reads this garbage other than as an example of what never to do. <<less
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