The Reincarnated Genderbend Girl Who Helps Her Oni Onii-Chan With His S*xual Desires


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In a world where yokai have revived, a pair of siblings lived modestly. However, for the Onikan family, said to carry the blood of demons, there was a price to pay for their strong power. The younger sister, who reincarnated genderbend from her past life as a male, secretly helps alleviate that burden.

And then, at a certain point, their relationship undergoes a significant change.

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nainaitou rated it
August 23, 2024
Status: c15

First off, you didn't see me here.

Secondly, the part I found the worst about this story strangely wasn't the in*est. It was the age gap. I know things like age and mental capacity and such doesn't matter considering that the MC is a reincarnator but I still kind of winced.

... more>> We never find out Reimei's age (or it was in the walls of 'mmh~' text that I skimmed) and I kept on second guessing Kureha's.

Alright, she's a student. That's about 17-18, fine.

Oh, she can't enter a love hotel? Then around 16-17.

'Years have passed and now I'm graduating'? ah... 15-16? (when it started)

'We decided to have a baby when I graduated, but I have to be 18 to get married' hold on, you aren't 18 yet???

'This older highschool girl'... ARE YOU NOT GRADUATED???


Reimei. I hope the FBI catch and maim you. (I'm kidding... he's too strong for them.)

I- no matter how I slice it, it still gives me an icky feeling that he's g*ooming her, especially with all the talk of 'development' and 'growth'.

Other than that, it's a standard smutty in*est story (and the in*est doesn't even really come up that much. You could've replaced it with like childhood friends and there'd be practically no difference). <<less
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dungnj rated it
September 7, 2024
Status: c15
First of all, hear me out. I'm not usually into smut but I run out of thing to read after graduation. But well it doesn't matter anyway.

This novel is a huge scam for me. I have an extremely high expectations for a GB novel, special how character slove their conflicted feeling. But in this novel, it actually doesn't build that way. The conflict only happened in early chapter and that it. Also, like other said, in*est is lacking. It is wasting potential. However, this is smut novel, not my taste... more>> for sure, but I don't complaint though. <<less
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