The Regressors are Trying to Kill Me


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My disciple, whom I raised and cherished with my whole heart…
That same disciple has returned and is trying to kill me.

“Before you fall, before you cease to be my idol, my hero, my sun, I will kill you with my own hands. For your honor!”

Just wait for a while…
I’ll bring you back to your senses.

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New thatoneperson0000 rated it
September 2, 2024
Status: c33
Entertaining story so far. MC was the top hunter before his disciples pretty much kill him for reasons you will find out within the first 25 chapters of, so it's revealed pretty quickly why they did that.

And his disciples are regressors, as the title states, which is different from a lot of stories because instead of the MC knowing the future and what happens, it's his disciples that do, and the MC himself is in the dark about what happens in the future and why.

The MC also powers up relatively... more>> quickly after taking over an F class's body, so it's not a slow paced story at all. And I do want to see more of his interactions with his primary disciple, Si-yeol, since they haven't met again in MC's other body.

Not overly complex tbh, and not really one of my favorites, but still a decent read. I recommend at least checking it out. <<less
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