The Regressor Can Make Them All


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Lee Se-Hoon, the blacksmith of humanity’s last desperate united force, fought against the demons until the very end. However, the result was mutual destruction, with the world coming to an end. The moment he took his own life over that futile conclusion—

“…What is this?”

He had regressed to his days as a candidate at the hero training institution, Babel Academy. Having obtained a second chance, he swore to use anything as material to gain victory this time. Anything at all!

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The Regressor Makes Everything
회귀자가 다 만들어줌
Related Series
Master Smith Under Ministry of National Defense (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Male Mc CN/KR
  2. Fantasy/Action stories that I personally enjoy
  3. Hunter/Player/Awakener-Gate/Tower/Dungeon/etc.
  4. Mary Sue/Gary Stu Guilty Pleasure

Latest Release

Date Group Release
05/18/24 Wuxiaworld c20
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asphaltus rated it
June 27, 2024
Status: c200
TL;DR - winner of the best fantasy blacksmith novel for me. If you've the slightest interest in crafting/or novels with a similar vibe, you should go read it.

I think I can safely give this 4 stars. You have a slightly generic regression trope mixed with some interesting characters and a plot that goes deeper as time goes on.

What I really like about this is the way it handles the central conceit - blacksmithing (or more accurately, fantasy blacksmithing). The whole thing has a verisimilitude about it that comes across as... more>> both very cool and very sensible. You need special materials to craft fantastic stuff. The fantastic stuff needs to be handled differently depending on what it is, and you need to be skilled enough to use it well. Magic is used in crafting, and there are different techniques to deal with the different stuff. If you're making custom weapons, there needs to be a consideration for the one who will use the weapon. Then there is the protagonist's special skill, which gives him special alloys (even more fantastic materials) depending on his bond with a person.

It works. I really can't understate how much it works. It's the core of the story, and it works so well that despite the adventure arcs, I am always looking forward to the chapters where the MC just crafts stuff.

This is not the case in Overgeared or really, any other korean/japanese blacksmithing novel - there, the crafting is a means to OPness. This is not the case here - everything that the protag is really unique and the process (from materials to actual making of the stuff) is always cool.

I genuinely applaud the author for coming up with so much good stuff. If you're a world-builder you should definitely read this novel (there are a lot of good ideas here).

The plot also starts off generic, but it gets better. You have some major global Villains - each of who are unique in their own ways - really great. The principal and the other good guys are not unambiguously good as you're lead to assume. You have the Three Dogs (people who will become super-strong in the future and the MC needs to recruit) but you also have lots of other characters with their own personalities, interests and backstories - that are gradually revealed over time.

There's no harem, at least what I've read so far. There are several girls, but they are more like companions, just like the dudes. The crafted stuff and the plot are the main focus, and I hope it remains that way. <<less
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MyRAMEN rated it
June 7, 2024
Status: c21
Likely will drop to 3 stars in future. The novel is pretty interesting and for once has an amazing FL ... more>>

Erika, who is shameless, cute, and comedic (towards readers)

. However, it seems to be leaning towards a harem...

The novel is about a Blacksmith who instead of what seems to be the most talented, was simply who survived the longest in the apocalypse, becoming the best. He and the last 3 saviors of mankind defeated their final enemy, only to lose the war as they all lost their lives and there was no more humanity.

The story's comedy is great when it comes up. If there were any big caveats, it the MC. His actions and thoughts semi consistently contradict himself, and his actions sometimes make no sense. Such as ripping an envelope to paper shreds when he only needed to tear it once. He is also braindead sometimes despite being a "genius". His power revolves around understanding people who are favorable towards him, yet despite knowing this, refused to think that his thoughts are wrong if there is no bond despite no bond being extracted on a CLEARLY favorable target. It's to the point where I and many readers honestly wish the FL would be the protagonist instead.

The novel is entertaining but on a path of self destruction, on more ways than one.

I tried to continue reading off mtl / native language sites but other than paywall wuxia and original site, there was nothing. Note wuxia IS FREE only paywalled for recent chaps. I tried reading available mtl version but it was pretty unreadable, that the Google translate on Korean site would be better and is in fact better <<less
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