The Protagonists’ Teacher Wants to Resign


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In her third year as an academy teacher, she thought she’d only be teaching her speciality, magic.

Now, she was told to become the homeroom teacher, do parent consultation and manage students as well.

“An Imperial Princess, a Duke’s heir, the next Magic Tower Master, and even a Saintess candidate?! Are you kidding me?!”

Who’s the lunatic that assigned this class roster?!


“If you opened your eyes and saw an unfamiliar ceiling, how would you feel?”

“I’m glad to see you again, Teacher.”

“Teacher, please live a long, long time. Promise.”

…This year’s students seem especially strange.

Is this nation’s future really going to be okay?

“It’s so quiet around you. Like another world.”

This man is just as strange.

The hero of the last war, a foretold disaster.

And the man who shares her lost memories and dark history.

“Lucien. No one will take you from me. Not this world, not even yourself.”

Just when she was trying to save a world doomed to fall,

With a calm madness, he quietly whispered,

“I won’t let that happen. Even if I have to sacrifice the entire Empire.”

…At this point, either we all live together, or we all go down together.

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