The Princess Wants to Die Comfortably


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I now possess the body of Ophelia, the villainess in the story ‘The Crown Prince Returns’.

And just like the protagonists in the other reincarnated novels, I thought I would fare well.

I died by getting guillotined the first time, the second time was getting my limbs torn apart, third was su*cide by poison, and by the fourth time, I was struck with arrows atop the throne.

And by the fifth restart, even if I tried to stray from the original storyline, I would still be doomed to die.

“Concoct a poison for me. Not one that’s painful, but one that’ll kill me slowly.”

Therefore, this time, with all my heart and soul, I wished to die properly for once.

“After I ascend the throne, are you leaving me behind?”

“I sincerely hope that her highness survives, no matter what.”

“Your Highness, I wish to get to know you better.”

All these people surrounding aren’t letting me die off easily!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Let Me Die in Peace!
The Princess Wishes to Die Peacefully
황녀님은 편히 죽고 싶어!
Related Series
I’m a Villainess, Can I Die? (3)
When The Villainess Loves (2)
Resetting Lady (2)
The Princess is Evil (1)
The Villainess is a Marionette (1)
Untouchable Lady (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. [psychological|Tragedy] (KR)
  2. My Words.Your Vision
  3. [BXG] villainess isekai novels that got manhwa ada...
  4. Apathetic/Dark female leads
  5. Soulless FLs

Latest Release

Date Group Release
08/13/21 Machina Translations c3
07/31/21 Machina Translations c2
07/30/21 Machina Translations c1
3 Reviews

Jun 12, 2023
Status: c126
I finished the main story, I guess that there's more after story or extras since it's listed as 155 chapters in Kakao, but I only managed to procure this far and it was solidly a good read.

I also took a little peek at the manhwa but honestly, I almost vomited from the cringe. Yeah no thanks I'm going back to the novel, the amount of information and subtle expressions were highly revised, an example being her relationship with her ex-husband which was made as if she still love and forgave... more>> him so easily in the manhwa when actually there were a lot more complex emotions and general numbness towards him. At least it gave a better idea of what the characters looked like though.

This story has humanity at its core. The MC is not exactly suicidal but definitely tired of life. She had been exposed to such gruesome deaths that it understandably left her with severe trauma. Fear and paranoia were clearly apparent in her thoughts. Reading her navigate through her confusion towards relationships forged once more with different outcomes and the things that (de) motivate her in life was just something so sad but an interesting read nonetheless. It was simply a tragedy that made me curse the complexity of human nature and yet also breathe a relieved sigh at the tenacious hope clinging at its tail. I think you can guess from my previous sentence but this is a HE story.

I'm not in the best mental state myself when reading this and just like the MC, circumstances have pressured me into not exactly wanting to exist but also I'm scared of dying. I guess the author understands the struggle faced with such thoughts and wanted to instill a better outcome. A more positive outlook on life. Though I'd snort that it seemed far-fetched, it did perhaps inspire me to push forward a little bit longer and a little bit harder.

Life is a battle of endurance, we can do it guys, fighting~ <<less
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Mar 26, 2021
Status: --
Haven't read it far but loving it so far as it breaks the conventional transmigration novels with her still ending up dead so it's interesting where it will go and how it will end since its still a romance.
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Jul 23, 2022
Status: c3
I'm hooked already, it's an interesting story which holds true to the title more or less- it's not that she wants to die but rather she believes she's fated to die having already done it five times and wanted a painless way to go out and to change the story, looking forward to more.
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