The Princess Sitting Next to Me is a Sweet Girlfriend Only in Front of Me


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Despite being a commoner, I, Heim, was recognized for my talent and allowed to attend the Magic Academy as a scholarship student. One day, I discovered that the girl sitting next to me, Fia Carat, is actually this country’s princess, Stellafia Magipastel.

Though this revelation led to the two of us sharing her secret, for some reason, Fia began acting even more forwardly toward me than before I learned the truth…?

Even though I’m called a genius, being a commoner surrounded by nobles at the Magic Academy meant I was looked down upon. The only one who treated me kindly was Fia, my seatmate.

Kind-hearted, good-natured, and with a bit of a selfish streak that somehow only adds to her charm, she had a way of drawing me in. But why does Fia hold me, someone like me, in such high regard…?

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Tonarinoseki no Oujosama, Oreno Maedake Ama-ama Kanojo
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