The Poor Noblewoman Cooks Jam: A Plain and Impoverished Viscount’s Daughter Marries a Frontier Margrave in Place of Her Sister, and This Time, She’s Adored by Her Husband While Enjoying a Slow Life


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Sophia, the impoverished daughter of Viscount Manscott, was raised solely to marry her cousin and inherit the Manscott viscountcy. Meanwhile, her younger sister Tina busies herself with socializing in hopes of marrying into a better family.

One day, Tina causes trouble by meddling with the fiancé of a duke’s daughter, drawing the wrath of Duke Citrona. As a result, the family is offered a marriage arrangement in the remote frontier. When Tina refuses to go, their father sends Sophia in her place.

With only a single ballroom debut to her name and no hobbies or special talents, Sophia unexpectedly catches the fancy of the frontier margrave. This is the heartwarming story of how she finds joy in making jam and living a slow, love-filled life with her doting husband.

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貧乏令嬢はジャムを煮る ~妹の代わりに辺境伯に嫁ぐことになった平凡な貧乏子爵の令嬢ですが、このたび旦那様に溺愛されてスローライフを堪能することになりました~
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New chande rated it
January 22, 2025
Status: Completed
Nothing much really happened in this story just like most of the story with similar genre. The characters also weren't memorable and the romance felt bland. Even the face slapping wasn't satisfying enough. But since the story was short, it was okay to past the time.
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