The Personal Chef of the Sorceress Who Can’t Eat Alone


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In a world of magic and monsters, a young serf escapes his village, armed only with his culinary skills. Fate leads him to join a mercenary and a powerful sorceress on their journey.

But this mage harbors a peculiar secret – she can’t eat alone due to a mysterious curse. As the boy becomes her personal chef, he must navigate a new life filled with danger, magic, and the unexpected challenges of feeding a cursed sorceress.

Together, this unlikely trio embarks on an adventure where swords and sorcery meet the art of cooking, and where every meal could be the key to unlocking hidden truths

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혼밥 못하는 여마법사의 전속요리사
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M3rl1n rated it
July 28, 2024
Status: c20
A very entertaining cooking novel that has a surprisingly dark and gritty world. Well, for a romance/cooking novel anyway.

There's sadly only 20 chapters released. There hasn't been any signs of romance so far, but they give you a ton of cooking. I smell Slice of Life coming but probably in the distant future because the MC is too young.

A good novel so far, with a fairly serious setting even though it doesn't take itself too seriously. Read if you like cooking at the very least. Wouldn't say it deserves a... more>> 5* but there aren't enough even half-decent cooking novels. <<less
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