The Person I Had a One-Night Stand With Turned out to Be My Good Friend’s Older Brother


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Song Wenjing had been straight for 20 years, but after sleeping with his friend’s older brother, he realized he wasn’t anymore. He tied himself up with Shi Shaoyu’s tie and said, ‘Brother, you know, I’ve never had a wife since I was young.’

A restrained, seductive beauty as the bottom x a sly, flirty, mischievous younger man as the top.

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Nom de Plume
Nom de Plume rated it
October 25, 2024
Status: c5
The story is at the speed of a train without much detail of how the couple actually ended up in bed together, although it can be derived that the uke definitely seduced the seme. The father’s comment about his son in the final chapter seems to imply uke might be the type to get with someone he finds useful and there are many comments about how capable the young seme is and it is clear some of the situations he ‘saves’ the uke from are contrived to make him act.... more>> Not knowing the motives but knowing the utilitarian nature of this lover makes it hard to understand how sincere he might be. The final joke the author decides to end on does not make the ending any more comfortable.

However, this is not the type of story you need to read deeply into. Enjoy the fling and flirtations of a younger and older man amidst the backdrop of ongoing (unknown) business competitions. <<less
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