The Outcast – Daluo Cave


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Seventy years ago, what earth-shattering secrets were hidden within the chaos of the Jia Shen Rebellion? Where did the nearly miraculous Eight Wonders originate? What is the true story behind the clever Feng Baobao’s mysterious past? What exactly is Qu Tong of Yaoxing Society plotting? All of these mysteries began to unfold from the moment he received his orders to descend the mountain and attend the Laotian Daoist Assembly…

Draped in a monk’s robe, holding the Purple Buddha in his hand, he pressed his palms together and lowered his gaze: “Senior Brother, I have a few personal words to share. Might I trouble you to step aside for a moment?”

Without waiting for a reply from the bespectacled middle-aged man before him, this impossibly handsome young monk suddenly radiated golden light that shielded his body, grabbed the man around the waist, and charged forward, smashing through several walls in his path.

Zhang Chulan, standing off to the side, twitched the corner of his eye: “Ha! He did take a step to share a few personal words, didn’t he?”

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