The Only Daughter of the Tyrant


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“Stiana, hurry and help Eileen right now. Come on. Come on!”

Instead of me, whose face was black and blood was pouring out from an impaled sword, he shouted for his love who’s blood had only splattered.

I’m sorry, Your Highness the Prince. You should ask someone else to do that.

I died on his behalf while living as his knight commander.

It was sad that I didn’t have any good memories closing my eyes.

But the good thing about such a life was that there were no lingering feelings.

I’m sure I did, but…


What are these burdensome people around me?

I don’t think ordinary people have a golden crown atop their head.

Are the little ones barely sticking out half the head from either side of the bed the cause?

“Stiana. You brought victory to the Empire. My lovely Princess. I’ll take over one kingdom on the Continent for each of your birthdays.”


Now I know the identity of this sense of discomfort.

Oh, my. I guess I’m a baby!

Associated Names
One entry per line
폭군의 외동딸
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Mar32 rated it
November 27, 2020
Status: c4
The premise is okay, the novel has only been translated to chapter 4 currently. The first three chapters were okay, but the fourth one completely threw me off. In all honesty, I disliked prolonged fight scenes, and more so if they're chock full of... whatever that was. Like I understood why the fight was happening and that's about it because the description of the fight was incredibly weird and prolonged. It was painful to read. The story doesn't really bring anything new to this genre, the translation is okay, but... more>> in all honesty the writing is nothing short of abysmal. <<less
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