The Number Two Me and The Number One Girl (LN)


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In my high school, there are two Sato Hajime, including myself.

The other Sato Hajime is a handsome and talented basketball team ace, who excels in both academics and sports.

On the other hand, I, the “No. 2” Hajime Sato, am just an ordinary inconspicuous male student who can never be the number one in the class.

But then one day, by chance, I became close to Minami Chinatsu, who is not only popular in our class but also in the entire grade.

Gradually, our relationship began to change.

This is a story about the No. 2 me and the No. 1 girl.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
The Number Two Me and The Number One Girl (WN) (Web Novel)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Sugar & Salt

Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/30/24 Redox Translation v1c1 part1
09/12/24 Redox Translation v1 prologue
09/12/24 Redox Translation v1 illustrations
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