The No. 1 Vase in the Entertainment Industry


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Everyone in the entertainment industry knows that Ke Yu has terrible acting skills. But seven years after his debut, he’s been favored by major directors, all through relying on the shady protection of his financial backers.

Everyone in the entertainment industry also knows that Shang Lu was born into a wealthy family and has outstanding talents. He has the support of endless capital behind him, so to be in his movie, tricksters went around exposing each other’s scandals and lowering their paychecks one after another.

It wasn’t until later that they realized… Shang Lu’s first protagonist was the vase, Ke Yu.

His second protagonist was also Ke Yu.

And the third protagonist… seems to be Ke Yu too?

“The nominees for the Best Actor in this Nebula Award are…”

“The nominees for Best Actor of the Film Industry Association are…”

“The Directors’ Association’s Best Actor Award goes to…”

[ I’ll take you to the depths of the stars and make you the brightest of them all. ]

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Nèi yú dì yī huāpíng
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New cupsidate rated it
November 14, 2024
Status: Completed
Well, hello there! I'm the translator of this novel. I will preface this by asking that everyone please check the tags, as this novel deals with heavy topics and I would hate for someone to be affected by accident.

Now... I could honestly go on and on about the things I love about this novel, but let me try to list out a few.

First off, and this may seem petty, but in fact makes a world of difference. This novel actually mentions places by name. No more City D or Country... more>> A. We get actual mentions of real life places and cultures. This offers an incredibly immersive experience where you can put yourself in places like Macao, Hong Kong, Indonesia, and France. It makes the story feel more real in a way that I didn't realize I missed until I found this gem.

Secondly... You know when people say "wow, the characters in this novel aren't perfect?". I've noticed that in a lot of cases, even if a main character has flaws, they will often be written in such a way that no matter what, the readers are led to always root for them. In a way, that leads to completely ignoring those flaws, rendering them theoretical. There will always be a right and a wrong, and the main character will always be on the right side, never worthy of too much criticism. That is not the case here. Ke Yu is an unreliable narrator, a self-proclaimed coward, and carries around an inferiority complex the size of the planet. That's not to say he is weak. On the contrary, he is genuinely one of the strongest and most compelling characters I've ever read. But at times, he will feel the need to defend himself to the point of hurting himself and others, which can be very painful and frustrating to read. But that is what makes him so incredibly human, and so incredibly loveable.

And finally, the side characters. These are not paper people with straightforward alliances. There's no way of simply separating them in "good" or "bad". There are characters who are irredeemably horrible, yes, but there are also characters who recognize their faults and grow from them, taking responsability for the damage they caused. It's very common for fiction to rely on black and white morality, so having to face characters that could never fit into either of those standards is actually a breath of fresh air.

TLDR: If a melancholic and grounded story with an ultimately happy ending that approaches some really heavy subjects in a respectful and thoughtful way sounds like your cup of tea, please do give this novel a shot! <<less
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