The Monster Lady and the Paladin


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The city has fallen. Her family is dead. Her friends were killed right before her eyes.

Veronica ran, but it was futile. The moment she locked eyes with it, her life was turned upside down.

“You’ve already been assimilated.”

The man, who roughly grabbed her by the hair, stared at her with disdain as she struggled.

“Do you want to live?”

“Ugh… hng…”

“Even if you have to crawl through the fires of hell, do you still want to survive?”

“Let me go…”

“Answer me. If you say you want to die, I’ll make sure it’s painless.”

I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die. I’ve only just been reborn.

“Then say you want help.”

The man, as if reading her thoughts, muttered in a low voice. His burning gaze pierced straight through her.

“I want to live… Help me.”

At that moment, she had no idea that his holy breath and saliva would save her. That he would become her god in the absence of the one who had disappeared.

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괴물 아가씨와 성기사
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